Sunday, March 11, 2018

Double Digits Baby!

I haven't written about every run. Just the highlights. And man is this a highlight!!

Last weekend I accomplished 9.4 miles so I decided that THIS weekend would be the very exciting TEN mile run! Except it was supposed to rain :(

Dad and I checked several weather sites several times and concluded that we'd get up Saturday morning and assess. It was not actually raining yet and for the most part, it looked like if it did rain, it would be later and not much. So, I decided I was going to start on the trail. We had a backup plan of sorts if the radar, etc was wrong.

It was cold and wet - nothing falling, but wet. I'm sure you know what I mean. And really, it wasn't THAT cold... it's all relative! I started in a long sleeve shirt and a rain jacket (it's an old one from my bike days, I think it's supposed to be for rain...) with light gloves and earmuffs. When I saw Dad the first time after 2 miles, I took off the jacket and gloves but kept them with me. I left on the earmuffs. Those were removed (and worn around my neck) somewhere before I saw dad again at just under 4 miles total.

There we also saw two women who were section hiking part of the PCT. They were finishing where I had last seen Dad. For now. They planned to start there in April for another few days. Fun, fun. I was tempted to ask them "book or movie" but they seemed like legit hiker people. (Watch the Gilmore Girls revival - that'll make more sense)

The plan was to get to 2N02 and turn around and go back almost to where I started. Each segment was about 2 miles (segments being runs between seeing Dad) so I was doing 5 - not finishing where I started. Once I got there, it was confirmed that as long as I made it back to Highway 18 as planned, I'd have my 10 miles! We were both pretty jazzed!! I was hot so there I took off the long sleeve shirt but kept the jacket tied around my waist. I also ditched the earmuffs for good.

About halfway back to seeing Dad again (mile 8 or so), I put the jacket back on, over my pack. The clouds were rolling in and there was a nippy breeze. Once I got to Dad, I took my pack off and put the jacket on proper. We also discussed the fact that at some point, I'd be running in a cloud. It looked like possibly the rest of the way. Also, we knew I would definitely make my goal. It was fun that Dad was excited as I was!!

I never did run in a cloud. When I got to where I had just been so sure I would, I looked back at where I was and THAT was in a cloud. Weird. But probably good.

I knew this section held a very steep hill before I got to the last half mile or so which was all downhill. I got to the steepest part and ran into a family out for an adventure. It was so steep there, I didn't care; I walked. Also, I had just crossed into having gone further than I ever have. I was tired. And the blisters had arisen.

I pressed forward, running when I could but not much. I kept an eye on my watch so I'd know when I was approaching 10 and so I could make sure I was running at that point. Right?! I was about 10 yards from the top of the hill when my watch beeped 10 miles. I radioed to dad. I stopped and praised God a moment at the top of the hill. Then I let it rip all the way down! Hehe. I'm never very fast.

WHAT A DAY!!! I never really got wet, just damp at the beginning. Never saw mud. My bad toe never hurt! The blisters held off until the very end. As always, I was happy to stop, but had fun while I was doing it!!

Dad took this at almost 9:

Dad is so awesome! He spent his day roaming around the mountain but mostly just waiting for me! It's great having a crew along, but it's even better when they're experienced in this madness and know what to ask, etc. If I'd been on my own, with the threat of rain and all, I might've just sat on the couch all day!! This was SOOO much better :)
I'm the pink line. Dad's the blue line. I'm not sure what the teal line is!
The green/red dot is where I finished. I started upper left. 

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