Saturday, March 24, 2018


When I started running, I kept running because I learned that "running" doesn't mean you can't walk! I have increased my running segments but kept my walking segments at about 1 minute. I now regularly go 4-7 minutes without walking during a long run. I've done longer. I'm not afraid to do shorter. When on trails, it often depends on the terrain. On my last long run here in the desert, I went 11 minutes on a run segment.

Well, today, I went a whole mile! That was 14 and a half minutes!! And it felt great!! I would like to point out, this was from 2.5 to 3.5 miles in a 4.7 mile run. And after that stint, I did 2 half miles, the final one up hill.

Moral of today's run: I'm making progress!!!

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