Sunday, April 1, 2018

My 1st 13.1

Now that I've run in double digits, the options are endless. Or something like that. Anyway, during Spring Break I planned to head to Big Bear for several relaxing days, and a trail run of course. I told Dad I wanted at least 11 but my brain kept saying 12. At that point, what's a few more steps, right?

Dad and I looked at maps and mileage while taking into consideration what trails would be driest since we'd had so much rain the week before, plus snow melt off. We even did a little reconnaissance by driving over to see if the gate was still closed on Van Dusen Canyon Road. It closes for the winter but it had closed so late we were hoping maybe they'd open it early. No luck. This meant I could start at the dump road, but I'd have to go most of the run without seeing Dad. Although it's way awesome for my spirits to see Dad every few miles, it is incredibly important for refueling! So I didn't like that route. We finally decided that the best idea was for me to just run up the closed road to the trail. It's not too steep of a road and more or less, that was the worst of the up. Then I'd see Dad after 5 miles, 3 miles and 4 miles. Add that up and it's about 12 miles. Perfect.

Dad dropped me off at the gate and I headed up. It really wasn't bad at all. The up was broken up with some decent flat (ish - it's all relative) and I was able to run quite a bit of it. I told myself I'd appreciate all the down more if I ran as much of the up as I could muster. It wasn't quite 2.5 miles to the trail where I turned left and headed West (or North to Canada 😜 ). This part of the trail was new to me (or at least after I'd gone a mile or two). I was excited to get to the top of Cougar Crest since I'd never been there from this direction before. I knew I was getting close because I started seeing people who were headed up to Bertha Peak (I guess). There was mostly up to that point but it wasn't that relentless steep stuff that wears on the legs and psyche. It was beautiful trail and I was happy to be there.

At Cougar Crest, I turned right and headed down toward Dad. I had done the math after seeing a trail sign, more or less, and realized that I would be doing more like 13 miles. I was kind of excited that I'd be getting so close to the half marathon distance. Wasn't sure I'd feel like tacking on whatever was necessary at the end but I knew I'd be close so that made me happy.

After I saw Dad at Polique, I headed on to a more familiar trail which I think was my issue. I knew where I was but it seemed like it was 10 times longer than it should have been. Or something. I got inside my head, as they say, and I was basically miserable. I felt fine, run wise but I just wasn't having fun. I can't really explain it any other way. I felt like I was just lumbering along struggling mightily. Turned out I was actually faster in that section than the last time I ran it! So it was all in my mind. It happens.

I was also petrified of my inevitable toe blisters. I had tried moleskin and regular (non-toe) socks for the first time. The only way to figure out a cure is trial and error. Unfortunately until I find the right solution, I know I'm going to end up with some MEAN blisters. When I saw Dad at 3N12 (8.5 miles or so), I took off the moleskin and put on the gooey gunky stuff. In hindsight I can say BAD idea! Perhaps if I'd put on toe socks at the time it might not have been SO bad. But as it was, the next 4.5 miles gave me worse blisters than ever before. It was all downhill so I ran as much as I could but I just had to be careful how my feet landed so as not to hit the toes wrong.

The good news is that the rest of me felt FINE!! I was tired of course. I had started out in earmuffs and gloves, shed them and then reddened them here in the final 4 miles or so. It all kind of depended on which side of the mountain I was one and how much the wind was whipping. Wind can be very cool in the mountains!

Anyway, I was making my way toward Dad at Little Bear Springs where I was stopping. I was pretty sure I'd get to just about 13 miles. My head told me that a half marathon was 13.2 and I didn't think I'd quite get there but who cares - close enough!! I saw Dad and we walked the last .25 to the car together. Which put me at 13.15. I told Dad that was close enough to which he replied, "a half marathon is 13.1". I did it!!!

Last summer, I registered myself for a virtual half marathon through the Stars Hollow Running Club. It was originally "run" LAST winter. So I have awarded myself my medal finally (see pic below). And I have finally stopped beating myself up about my "bad run". Cuz well, I went a long way, and other than the blisters, I felt GREAT after!! And 2 days later I ran almost 2 miles (in the heat) and 2 days after that, I ran 5 (see next post). And I could be at 20+ by the end of the summer!
the first and largest of 5 trees I would go over.  
I used that piece on the left as a step to get over it. Great fun!

Views like this make it all worthwhile!! Can't get these in TX!!

They always send a bib too. I didn't wear it because I didn't start out thinking I was running that far!

Smell of Snow Half Marathon medal :)

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