Sunday, June 17, 2018

East Coast 2018

The weekend after school got out, I flew off to see Ma and other family. I stayed the first 2 nights with Cousin Cheryl. On Friday, we drove up to "the bay", Fairhaven, because Cheryl had never been there and it means SO much to pretty much every member of the family. I thought she needed to experience it. She didn't really understand until she got there. She and Cousin Barbara hit it off immediately! Here is the day in pictures...

Cheryl and Barbara talking about recipes

Barbara Miller and I - so good to see her!!

Granddad's house

Me, Barbara Smith, granddaughter, and Barbara Miller
Me - n - Joe

We hadn't seen each other in a while!

Selfie :)

 Cheryl and I left Fairhaven and drove north to Annapolis. Leila and Jeff drove south and met us for dinner!! I hadn't seen them in WAY too long (3 years!?!?!) and it was SO good to catch up!!

Two of my FAVORITE people!!!

 The next day I left Cheryl to hang out with my good friend Becky. We enjoyed a lovely afternoon at Hillwood Estate wondering the grounds and having yummy lunch. I never get enough time with Becky! Turns out my evening plans changed but she already had plans so I left her and moved on. I was supposed to participate in the DC Pride Parade but my host got sick. I ended up driving to Richmond and spending the evening with Cousin Joan. I am SOOOO glad I did!! I hadn't seen her in a couple years, since her beloved hubby Jim had passed away. It was so good spending one on one time with her, catching up and really getting to know each other again! And her house is gorgeous!!! Apparently I only took pics of Mandy's dog Jinx. Mandy was out of town unfortunately. But I am totally planning to spend time there next summer!! Maybe I'll even play some pickleball :)

Jinx, old and gimpy, but so so sweet and loving - and blurry!

Then I was on to Roanoke!! I also don't have any pictures of my 3 days with Ma!! I stole away Monday morning and did some yoga with my old friend Mitchell. Fun times!! I ran one morning. And Ma and I hung out and ate good food :) Good times!!

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