Saturday, June 30, 2018

Changes. Changes. Changes.


I received a new contract from Hesperia back in May. It had a VERY nice dollar amount on it. But I didn't sign it. I had no other prospect at that moment, but well, I just wasn't excited about going back there. So, I waited. And applied for a position teaching HS math online with Connections Academy. I didn't really know what it even meant, but I applied anyway. I had applied in 2017 and received an interview email but after I'd already accepted at Oak Hills.

I got that interview email again and this time I completed the interview, the morning before Gradnite. It was a series of questions, the first 5 of which I recorded my answers. They were typical interview questions. The rest of the questions were more about my aptitude - how to put a picture in a PowerPoint and such. With the end of the school year, I didn't really think about it again!

When I got off the plane in Virginia, I had an email asking for a second interview!! Well, okay then!! That was a video conference with four folks from Connections - teachers and principals and such. More typical interview stuff. I let them know, also, that I only had a short time before I had to sign my contract, or not. Again, didn't get my hopes up, but I did do more research on the company!! They're an offshoot of Pearson so I knew they were legit. They offer real insurance and all that fun stuff. And I truly would work from home so home could be anywhere. Again, didn't get my hopes up!

Then, as I was driving to the Toyota dealer to possible buy a truck, I got a request for references! I did not buy the truck. My hopes were starting to get up and didn't want to get myself into something I wouldn't be able to afford! I knew I'd be taking a pay cut if I got the job, but not exactly sure how much. I spent most of the drive to Western States trying to secure the 4th and final reference. I won't name names but if you tell someone you will do it, don't wait WEEKS!!

 I had to sign my contract by June 30. I spent the week before that living in two worlds - one dreaming of living in BB, the other settling for staying in the desert. Finally, I went to BB to at least not be hot while I waited, not so patiently. Then at about 3:15 on the 28th,, while sitting on Dad's front porch, my new principal called!! After a few minutes of details, and a few minutes of chatting with Dad and God, I called her back to make it official. Not only did I not have to go back to Oak and 35+ Freshmen in one room, I could move to BB!!!

About an hour later, after searching the few rentals available in BB that I might be able to afford, Dad and I decided to have dinner to celebrate. We stopped on the way to get gas and visit with Dad's friend Nick. I happened to ask if he knew anyone with a cabin for rent and HE DID!!!  Two bedrooms, one bath, a block from trails, huge fenced yard - it is perfect!!

I drove to Hesperia the next day to give them my contract, on which I checked "I decline"!!!

Long story short, on July 25, I moved in to a tiny cabin in BB and LIFE. IS. GOOD!!!

I'll post more pics once I'm settled and such.

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