Thursday, July 5, 2018

HAWAII!!! Day One

So, in the midst of packing and such, I went to Hawaii!! I have been planning this trip for over a year, had plane tickets, etc so I took the trip and didn't think about the stress at home once!! (well, maybe once, but really, I didn't like I could have!)

Day One started WAY early in the morning. Dad drove me to LAX at about 6:30 am. That's a 4am start from Big Bear!! The flight was uneventful and after a nap and some reading, I caught my first glimpse of state #45 (on my list). I had a short layover in Kauai so I technically saw two islands :)



Pearl Harbor from the air

A tree at the airport. I had no idea that just about every tree  on the island was worth taking a picture!

I quickly found the bus stop and didn't have to wait too long. The Bus was interesting, as public transportation tends to be, but clean and cheap and I always felt safe. And stopped a block from my hotel :) I checked in and assessed my choices of things to do. It was mid afternoon so I had time to accomplish something, but which thing?! I chose Diamond Head.

I had just enough time, I thought, to get there before they stopped letting people on the trail. I walked back to the bus stop and waited for the correct bus. Again, didn't take long. What I didn't know is that the bus doesn't actually go to the trailhead. I was expecting the walk up to the top, but not the walk up to the start! Oh well, it was worth it and it wasn't "too" bad ;) And I ended up getting there with plenty of time. I do tend to walk fast!

tunnel I had to walk through to get to the trailhead



different view


can't express how beautiful


me with lighthouse and ocean

stairs - so many stairs

tunnel on the mountain

leading up to the tunnel

more stairs

view of the other side (part of the way up)

much of the trail looked like this - what wasn't stairs anyway

I went back to the hotel to freshen up. Then I went back out to get some food and explore Waikiki a little. Waikiki is basically the beach at Honolulu. So many names!

boards - I did not partake

another tree

hulu peeps on the beach

SOOO pretty!!!

looking the other direction

water! this is about all the beach I did

so pretty, just right there by the road
I went back to the hotel to rest up for Day Two!!

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