Friday, July 6, 2018

HAWAII!!!! Day Two

Day Two was devoted to Pearl Harbor. I had reserved an Arizona ticket back in May as soon as they let me (2 months in advance). Right before they realized that the Arizona memorial was broken :( That didn't stop me!

On The Bus!

My ticket for the Arizona tour was at 2:30 so I went out that way at about 10am so I could see the rest of what there was to see! Turns out there is a LOT to see, and spend money on!! I had heard from several folks that the USS Missouri was good, so I opted to do that instead of the Bowfin Submarine or the air museum. I was super tempted for the museum because you know I love airplanes and such. But the USS Missouri seemed more appropriate for the day. So I paid and hopped on the shuttle over to Ford Island.

Arizona from USS Missouri

Steve, my incredibly knowledgeable and professional tour guide

guns up front



officer's office

classroom :) 

chart room

captain's view

hey, I was just up there!

The USS Missouri did not participate in the battle at Pearl Harbor, however, it WAS where the war ended!! I stood right where the surrender was signed. Pretty cool!!

From there I went back over to the main park area and got my audio tour set up. It was all fascinating but I was getting more and more tired and hot as time went on. It was also all very emotional, remembering and hearing details and such.

Arizona's anchor - HUGE!!

USS Missouri and Arizona

Aircraft Carrier docked at Pearl Harbor - it's still a functioning military base!

close up of the carrier - notice the guy for scale size!
Then I watched a video about the bombing and got on the boat to head out in to the harbor.

boat piloted by actual navy

USS Missouri from the water

Arizona Memorial

The docks were still there for all the battleships
the Nevada was the only one who got moving that day - didn't get far though

me on the boat - the bridge to Ford Island behind me

submarine Bowfin - you could tour it as well
I was exhausted, hot and grumpy by this point so I left. I probably could've seen so much more but I just didn't have it in me!

I went back to the hotel and cleaned up. I decided I wanted to see more than I could see on foot so I rented a bike and rode around for about 90 minutes. I hadn't been on a bike in years so the first bit was probably very entertaining to watch!!

I don't remember but it was cool looking and became a good shot

rode down to a marina

a lagoon/cove thing in front of some hotels

have I mentioned how beautiful it is here!?

my bike!
Day Three was my most anticipated day so I went back to the hotel and rested up!

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