Monday, August 6, 2018

Angeles Crest 100 2018

The hardest part about AC100 this year was leaving Slugger. We had only been in the new house for 10 days. I found a dog sitter and she came over 4 times to get to know him and make sure both were comfortable. Luckily, it all worked out!!

The big difference this year was that Dad drove up from Kresse's and I drove from BB. Because I wanted to stay with Slugs as long as possible, I didn't actually get to Millard until about 6pm. I still beat the aid station folks by a little bit. We got all set up and settled in for the night. By the time runners got anywhere near us, the early favorites, big names, and frequent guests had all dropped out! It was an interesting race - hot was the key word, I think.

Seriously have no exciting events to report!! Oh wait, there was one bit of drama. An early runner was reported going through the aid station before ours with a pacer. This is normal except that at AC, there is a category of runner called Solo. This means they are running without crew, and without pacer. They sign up this way and get an early start in the registration process. This runner was supposed to be running solo, but seemed to have a pacer. We were at first told to stop the runner and DQ him. Dad conferenced with Aid Station folks and explained to Net Control that this wasn't going to happen. It really wasn't our job!! Net Control did some research and agreed that it wasn't our job. Runner came in, with pacer, and left. We never mentioned the issue!! Two of our aid folks knew they guy, sort of, and knew he'd always planned to have a pacer and there must be some mistake with the Solo markings. After the fact, we learned that it had indeed been a clerical error and he wasn't running solo. He got his finish in under 25 hours :)

Our last runner came and went (though didn't quite finish in under 30 hours). Sweep runners and bikers came and went. We packed up. I finally bailed even though Dad wasn't done yet - we have to wait until everyone finishes. I was QUITE anxious to get to Slugger!! Oh, and I was having some weird allergic reaction (I assume) in my eye and was in pain and couldn't see clearly. I was hoping getting out of the woods would clear it up. It didn't. It was an interesting drive home. I didn't feel better until the next day!!

And as always, I took no pictures. Here's a couple someone else took!
the all night gang


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