Saturday, October 20, 2018

My Boys. Always.

There will be no new tattoos this November. There will be no spending money on Championship gear. Moments of holding my breath, screaming at the TV, happy tears, and frustrated ones, are over. For 2018. Luckily, there's always next year.

My boys will always be my boys.

I have seen this team through wins and losses and changes. Lots and lots of losses. Some impressive wins. Good and bad changes. Change is inevitable in this sport. A part I hate. More than the losses some times. But as has been proven in the last 3-4 years, change makes a difference.

Last year was a dream come true. The Astros became World Champions for the first time. Most of recent championship teams then deflated and had what is referred to as a World Series Hangover. Not my boys. They played hard and well and were the best team in baseball. They won a franchise record 103 games. They were the favorites to take it all again this year. MY BOYS!! It is still hard to believe that words like that are used by experts to describe MY team. Unfortunately, it didn't happen. Too many injuries. Slumps at the wrong time. Bad calls by umps. And an amazingly good team they had to get through.

Am I sad? Of course. Am I disappointed? Of course. Am I proud? Heck yes!!

My boys will always be my boys.

Image result for astros logo

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