Monday, August 11, 2014

"Funny Lost Today"

Robin Williams died today. It seems it might have been a suicide. The title of this post came from a Tweet by Michael Weatherly (Tony on NCIS). This isn't something I would normally write about, but it has resurfaced a line of thinking I've had several times in the last few years. Every time a celebrity dies. No, not suicidal thoughts. The fact that these "stars" who you'd think have "everything" keep taking their own lives, is another train of thought for another blog post. Maybe some day.

Here's where my thoughts go...

As I get older, I see more and more TV and movie stars pass on into another world. Not because more are dying, but because more have had an impact on my life. Basically, I'm getting older, and this seems to be a way of age showing its gnarly face. I still remember being very sad when George Burns died. I remember thinking that he would be the first of many. It was kind of a rite of passage almost, this realization that others would die as I grow older. Odd that it was an actor, not family. I'm pretty sure I'd already understood this when my grandparents died.

Jerry Orbach is the first actor I remember crying over when he passed away. He was such a live character to me - Dirty Dancing and Law and Order being two favorites! Then there have been the many, too many lately, who are young, younger than me even, who have felt they just couldn't live any longer. Not sure I'll ever understand. For which I'm grateful as it means that I am no where near that desperation, even in my unhappiest moments!

Although Robin Williams seems to have committed suicide, he was still old enough that technically, I'm not sure we would've been surprised if it'd been natural. And so I consider him the next of many who have had an impact on my life, who I've cheered and jeered, who I will greatly miss seeing on the screen.

As you should know, if you've read my blog for long, I embrace getting older. Why not? I've seen so much, experienced so much, I am thankful for every day, and hope for many many more! But I admit, watching stars, or anyone, leave their Earthly body,  is a part of "growing up" that I just wish I could skip. I've already lost too many personally, but unfortunately it is a fact of life.

So for now, I say, Nanu Nanu to all. Love and hugs. Rest in Peace Mrs. Doubtfire. Thanks for the laughs.

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