Friday, August 29, 2014

One down, Thirty Six to Go

The first week of year #5 (really 6 but we ignore that one year of 2nd grade) is over and done. I have a LOT of students. That is observation #1. The good news is observation #2: all 187 (ish) of them are pretty good kids!! Several want to talk too much. But for the most part, they do what they're asked, are polite and seem to not hate me or school or Geometry yet. Of course, we haven't actually done any Geometry yet!! We spend the first week reviewing so as to maybe make the actual Geometry easier.

I've spent most of the week whining about how many students I have. Why? Well, there are a lot of them! With each student comes papers to grade, chatter to stop, etc. I should add that we no longer get student aides. We have two to share in our department (of 12 teachers!). But the biggest issue in my mind, is that it's too many bodies in my classroom at one time!! I had to add a desk mid-week!! It's just crammed wall to wall teenager!!

My principal became my favorite person though when he said they're going to attempt to shake things up and make my Pre-AP classes smaller by adding another class. This would be very complicated and would involve dissolving my smallest (21) regular class and loading up every Geometry teacher even more than we already are. I am pretty sure this is not going to happen, but at least he TRIED! Major bonus points. And I almost don't want it to happen. I like the class period that would all go elsewhere! Again, I may have a LOT of students, but I like most of them so far!

So I have begun getting up before dark, being on my feet all day, and being "on" for 8 straight hours. I am EXHAUSTED!!! My back hurts, my knee had 24 hours of misery, Slugs isn't getting enough attention, but...


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