Saturday, September 21, 2024

Line Fire

 I was going to write a week ago but realized I needed to be further removed before telling the story. I guess I needed to know for sure it had a happy ending. Although the fire is still burning, technically we are no longer in any danger (we never were really). 

On September 5, I took the day off and drove Dad to Riverside for a nephrologist check-up. He's doing well as long as he keeps taking care of himself - diet, exercise, etc. On the way home we stopped at Panda Express and then started up "the front way" on Highway 330. Just before the first passing lane which is right at a fires station, we passed a turn out where there was a cop, another car or two, and a fire burning. It was 115* there in Highland. We passed a fire truck headed down shortly after passing the fire. We discussed how good it was that they were on top of the fire so quickly. We made our way home marveling as the temperature dropped to what is still considered hot in Big Bear - 84*. Dropped Dad off and went home to my puppy. 

By that evening, the fire had a name which is never good - the Line Fire. By the next morning it was 1000 acres maybe. (I don't completely remember the early timeline so just go with my numbers!).  School was normal. 

Sunday evening we got a call that there would be  no school on Monday. Monday we were told Tuesday off. At some point the entire valley was put under evacuation warnings. I packed the truck with the stuff that needs to be saved and tried to enjoy the extra tine at home with Slugger. Except that the smoke was SO incredibly bad by mid afternoon that there was only one walk each day. 

That's smoke, not overcast. 

I told myself, and prayed, that if anyone in the valley got put on orders then we'd bail. I was already contemplating going anyway because of the smoke. I already had a cough when all this started and I was at the point that all I did was cough. I knew the smoke wasn't good for any of us (i.e. me or Slugger). Dad evacuated himself on Monday evening. That helped the stress level for sure. David was busy helping his community help others, as they do. At about this point, school had been canceled for the week. 

On Tuesday afternoon, the area of Boulder Bay, inside the valley, was put on evacuation order.  I"d had enough smoke, and I knew that Sarah and Derrik and dogs would welcome us with open arms, so we went.  We didn't hurry, we didn't stress, we just finished packing the toothbrush and meds and such, and we drove away. It was VERY hard to leave. I never imagined that my house was in danger, but still, it was hard to leave, knowing that technically I didn't know what I'd be coming "home" to or when. 

Oh by that time the fire was over 20k acres. Anyway, while we were driving, the Bridge Fire that was burning on the sister mountain was apparently growing by leaps and bounds. Here's the view of OUR  mountain and then AWAY from our mountain toward that fire.

What we'd just left.

What we had to drive toward.

Clear sky on the left is where we would end up.

We stopped once we got past all the smoke and found ourselves at Del Taco with some firemen. They were on their way to the Bridge Fire that was now 30k+ and bigger than "our" fire. We thanked them profusely and then made our way to our safe haven in Placentia with S&D and dogs.  

I tried hard to prep Slugger as we drove. He had met Loki, the Great Dane, but not Freya the Husky puppy (3 years old?). To make matters even more fun, Loki had dental work done that day and was totally loopy from the anesthesia. I think that actually helped in hindsight - Slugger only had to deal with Freya. Sarah and Freya met us outside and we went for a walk around the block together. Freya welcomed Slugger inside and they quickly became friends. I don't think Loki even knew Slugger was there that evening as I kept him away as much as possible. 

Derrick works from home and I didn't want us to be an intrusion, so Slugger and I left for much of the day. We grabbed some food and then we headed to the beach! 

There's video but I'm not gonna bother. 

We ran some errands (Target pick up for the stuff I forgot like dental floss) and made our way back to S&Ds. Slugger and I spent some time sitting on their very nice patio. And visiting with Freya and Loki. 

Lots of sniffing

We had a nice time visiting and eating dinner with S&D on Wednesday evening. On Thursday, we made ourselves scarce again by visiting a local card shop (only spent $10, be proud!) and then having lunch with a firmer student who's in school nearby. It was fun catching up and learning how college life is going. I rarely get that opportunity. Especially with awesome students like Carlos. Another nice dinner and visit with S&D and it was time for sleep again. I had decided that it was time to go home on Friday. Nothing had changed with the fire, it was starting to get contained and I felt like I could be getting stuff done at home, like cleaning! 

Slugger was SUCH a good boy the whole crazy time. But he was very happy to get home to "his chair".

When we got home, we learned that during our drive, our evacuation warning had been lifted! Just us and one other. Everything else was the same. And the smoke wasn't great but better than when we'd left. But golly, our house REEKED! Luckily it had cooled off (which helped a lot with the fire and smoke) so we could leave doors and windows open at least most of the day. Also, the fire was now about 25% contained. That doesn't sound like much but it's actually pretty good. 

I did in fact clean the kitchen the next day and then just released. We went back to school on Tuesday but with minimum days all week to help with the afternoon/evening smoke issues. Though really the smoke has been non-existent for almost a week now. 

We're at 59% contained and the acreage has pretty much stalled at just over 31k or so. It's still burning and won't be "out" for some time but it rained yesterday and that helped. Except it brought lightning snags. Storms can truly be wins or losses! Luckily this was more win. 

And this weekend I'll unpack the truck and we'll be pretty much back to normal. Oh, except that highway Dad and I drove up on Sept 5, will be closed for a while. The fire jumped it in at least 3 places from what I know - burnt road, guardrails, etc. It'll be a very sad sight for a very long time even once it opens. 

Oh, and the fire was arson! Dad and I believe that one of the cars we saw was likely the culprit. They cops caught him and he's in jail with no bail :) I have some suggestions for his punishment but they probably won't ask me. 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Summer 2024

 Well, summer break is over. I went back to work on Friday. Yes, that's weird, but also kinda nice to get a weekend after just one day of getting up early, etc. 

Summer 2024 was a mix of doing, and doing nothing. I began, of course, with my Epic Road Trip. It was amazing, but also exhausting. I'm glad that I didn't really have any other big plans. The rest of the summer included the following:

Enjoyed 4th of July with my favorite family in Temecula. 

Got my first colonoscopy (all is well!).

Organized the shed - this was the big to-do list item. Pics below.

Cleaned up the new property - SO MUCH glass and trash. 

Watched a lot of TV - CSINY, old game shows, etc.

The Astros went from 10 games back to first place. And are still holding on by the hair on Altuve's chin. 

Helped Dad clean and organize his house to make life easier for him, hopefully. 

Walked and walked with Slugger. Attempted to cuddle but it was limited due to the heat. 

Overall, it was a good 6 weeks. Never long enough!

Thursday, July 18, 2024


I've been home for over 3 weeks now. I think I might be recovered! I spent a week doing absolutely nothing basically. That was nice. Slugger and I didn't leave each other's sides :) Since then I have slowly tried to do some of the things on my summer to-do list. One of the issues is that most of them are outdoors and it's been way too hot to be outside! But this week I have finally been able to work in the shed and it's almost organized! That will get another post another day, when it's done. 

Slugger and I have walked a lot. Most days twice to get in enough steps but also not die of heat exhaustion. We've helped Dad clean up his house. We've cleaned up our own house, including breaking and then fixing, the bed in the process of deep cleaning the bedroom. I had a colonoscopy. A friend came over for lunch. So it's been a good summer, just quiet and relaxing and HOT. 

One. More. Week.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Fifty

Here are my stories for each of the 50 states. I decided to go alphabetical cuz chronological might hurt my brain. The notes might not be the first visit, but they're the memorable visit

Alabama - moving to DE trip with Karie (1997)

Alaska - June 2023

Arizona - numerous trips across country

Arkansas - numerous trips across country, most notably when moving to TX in 2005

California - live here!

Colorado - Yellowstone with fam 1986 (87?)

Connecticut - summer 1996 with Ma

Delaware - lived here! 

Florida - Spring Training 2005 for 30th bday

Georgia - moving to DE trip with Karie (1997)

Hawaii - Summer 2018

Idaho - Yellowstone with fam 1986 (87?), Craters of the Moon was memorable

Illinois - moving Bev! (Feb 2004)

Indiana - moving Bev! (Feb 2004)

Iowa - Road Trip 2024 (#50)

Kansas - Dan's wedding trip with Mere (2009)

Kentucky - okay so the memory is of the Cincinatti airport, which is IN Kentucky, I learned when I Was there for a layover, thinking it was my first time in OH; also ,when asked if we'd ever gone through KY on a trip across country, both parents said,  "yeah probably"

Louisiana - moving to DE trip with Karie (1997)

Maine - summer 1996 with Ma

Maryland - lived here!

Massachusetts - summer 1996 with Ma, baseball trip 2003

Michigan -  Road Trip 2024 

Minnesota - this was where my plane from Paris landed - I was so happy to see that gigantic American flag! Also,  Road Trip 2024

Mississippi - moving to DE trip with Karie (1997)

Missouri - UMW trip  2010

Montana - Yellowstone with fam 1986 (87?) we saw a sign that said Montana 15 miles so Dad drove 20 and we called it good; also Road Trip 2024 

Nebraska -  Road Trip 2024 

Nevada - several but let's go with Michelle's wedding! (2006)

New Hampshire - summer 1996 with Ma

New Jersey - summer 1996 with Ma (amongst other trips when living in DE)

New Mexico - numerous trips across country / to TX

New York - summer 1996 with Ma, baseball trip 2003

North Carolina - moving to DE trip with Karie (1997)

North Dakota -  Road Trip 2024 

Ohio - moving Bev! (Feb 2004)

Oklahoma - several but notably gambled at Winstar Casino as a 40-4-40 new thing

Oregon - Yellowstone with fam 1986 (87?) - I think it was this trip but I know we drove through Bend to be able to "get" Oregon. 

Pennsylvania - oh so many baseball games in Philly! plus summer 1996 with Ma

Rhode Island - summer 1996 with Ma

South Carolina - moving to DE trip with Karie (1997)

South Dakota - Road Trip 2024 

Tennessee - several drives across country

Texas - lived here! plus moving to DE trip with Karie

Utah - Yellowstone with fam 1986 (87?)

Vermont - summer 1996 with Ma

Virginia - born here! lived here! visit Ma here!

Washington - RHA conference in college (1998 or 99)

West Virginia - family reunion trips, various other trips

Wisconsin - moving Bev! (Feb 2004)

Wyoming - Yellowstone with fam 1986 (87?)

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Rebecca's Epic Road Trip 2024 Wrap-Up

Some numbers:

4 planes (2 layovers), 2 trains, 1 boat, 1 rental car (plus some ubers), 2 buses, a subway, and a stagecoach (I seriously tried to figure out helicopter, bicycle and horseback but it just never worked out)

11 (recorded) hikes/walks on paths/trails

10 states, 12 if you count layovers but not origin (GA, MI, IN, IL, WI, MN, ND, MT, SD, NE, IA, TX)

2975 miles driven (plus a train)

12 nights, 11 hotels (plus a redeye flight)

4 baseball games in 4 days at 4 stadiums

What a trip!!! It was everything I dreamed it would be and more!! God was definitely with me as I just missed several weather things plus all those dirt roads! And, I was a woman traveling alone. But I never felt in danger or anything like that. I just drove and saw stuff and did my thing! 

I wish I could say there was a highlight but the whole dang trip was a highlight! Seriously. I saw SO much!! Every single person I talked to from cashiers to fellow travelers were just super nice and helpful. I even just looked through my pics again to see if there was one that stuck out. Nope. Every single day, every single thing I did and saw, was cool! 

I realized just how much I don't know about history and the people who did stuff to make America awe-inspiring. I bought two books and have several others on the TBR list. One of the interesting aspects of my trip is that I went from Lewis and Clark history stuff to the Cold War and what seemed like everything in between! I took in SO much information and I remember very little except that I wanted to learn more about every single thing I did and saw! 

I live in paradise and I know that America is truly beautiful. But it was just incredible to see so much beauty and diversity in landscapes (from moment to moment!). The Badlands, the Black Hills, the fields of everywhere, Lake Michigan... it was all gorgeous. God created, human created, didn't matter. Even the old buildings in the big cities held their own beauty. 

As amazing as my trip was, I've never been so happy to get home! To see THIS GUY!! I got him some corn ;)

This is most of my haul. I hadn't finished unpacking and I found a few other magnets and stickers stuck places. There are also 2 new shirts in the closet :)

I've been sitting here for 10 minutes trying to figure out how to close this. To say goodbye to this trip. I can't. How does one "conclude" a trip that she has been dreaming of for years and planning for 6 months?! It was truly the trip of a lifetime and I am very thankful that I had the opportunity. I just keep remembering all those people out there who have never left their own state. I've now seen all 50! 

Someone asked me "What's next?" Well, since you asked! In March I turn 50 and will run a 50k to celebrate. Then in June I'll go on my first cruise with a bunch of friends (anyone is invited, holler for details). After that I want to see Canada. At least Calgary (Banff), Quebec and Toronto (baseball). Not all in the same trip!! 

So stay tuned. I'm not done yet :)

Monday, June 24, 2024

Day Twelve Iowa


I got up early to get to the big event (keep reading) and was rewarded with a fabulous sunrise. 

Today was to include lunch with a buddy (Ashley was a student when I worked at TWU - we bonded over baseball and country music) and Field of Dreams and trying to make everything fit into my suitcase. Exciting sure. But then last night while figuring out lunch plans, Ashley asked if I'd be interested in a little side trip to RIDE IN THE SPRAYER! UH, YES, PLEASE!!!! Her hubby is a farmer and would be in the corn fields on the sprayer. So we coordinated where I should head and then we'd meet up, basically on the side of the road wherever he happened to be. More dirt roads were involved but WHO CARES?! It was awesome!! I mean, I'm sure day after day, field after field, it'd get old, but for my 30 minutes, it was amazing!! My first question was what are we spraying - the answer was nitrogen. I know this works as a fertilizer of sorts from my TX neighbor and his gorgeous lawn. Side note: I had not stopped to use a restroom in a bit, and I mentioned this to Ashley. About 10 minutes in, she texted me and said I needed to ask him to stop so I could deal with it. So I did and he did. And I can now say I've personally watered some corn in Iowa!! (Probably TMI, sorry)

A real Iowa farm! 

The sprayer with the truck filling it with nitrogen

Ashley took these of us in action

Ashley left her two sons with Dad in the sprayer (their favorite thing ever) and she and her daughter and I went and had lunch in a cute little community that had a yummy German restaurant. I then made my way North to Dyersville and the Field of Dreams.

there was a HS game of some sort about to happen on the field

the kitchen

from the porch swing

on the porch swing

I am glad I went but it was definitely a tourist trap. Though it was cool that there was a game happening. I didn't see any ghosts. There are plans to turn it in to a whole little league complex basically which kinda stinks. Takes away the novelty and what I imagine is a very peaceful field when all the people are gone. 

I am now in my final hotel, with everything arranged into the various bags so that it will all get home. I will check the suitcase and I added a tote from the Badlands to the mix. I AM SOOOOO READY TO SEE MY PUPPY!!!!!!

The End.

(PS give me a day or two at home and I'll write a wrap up)

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Day Eleven Nebraska

I didn't really have anything planned for today except to drive across Nebraska to Iowa. I took the scenic byway to I80 (after sufficiently checking for any possible dirt roads). Drove through several little towns. Saw cows and horses and more cows. Saw corn and other things growing. Saw a turtle. Lots of blue sky. Finished an audio book started another. Went by more cows and corn and green fields. Oh, there were some marshlands. It was all beautiful but not all that unique or exciting. 

I took no other pictures until I got to Grand Island which is where I picked up I80. But there I finally tried Culver's custard (and a burger). So yummy!

Once I got on the interstate I started to think about what I'd be near. Signs along the highway helped. SO in Lincoln, I stopped at the University of Nebraska. Home of the Cornhuskers. Which was just blocks from the state capitol building (I'm 99% sure that's what it was anyway). 

Love Library


Then I realized that I had plenty of time, and well, why not stop by the College World Series. Texas A&M was playing Tennessee. I'd watched game one last night on the TV. I had actually looked into tickets back in February before anyone knew who'd be playing but they were way out of my price range so I didn't think about it again. Until today. I did NOT go to a game. Just drove around the field and saw all the peeps who DID go to a game! Aggies lost game 2 so tomorrow is the deciding game 3. So exciting! I did see several TX license plates.


Yes, I cried. Not everyone can say they've even been out of their own state, let alone going to all 50. I'm working on the blog that has the story for each state. (Partly cuz I wanted to make sure I really had made it) 

Tomorrow I get to see my buddy Ashley and her family and well, she's giving me a real gift but I'll just make you read tomorrow's entry :)