Monday, June 21, 2010

Some people

Several months ago, as part of a Bible study discussion, we talked about doing good deeds and then bragging about them. I don't actually remember which group this was or what the study was on! But I remember this discussion because it spoke to me. Why do we do good deeds or serve others?

I have a friend who likes to do good deeds and then brag about them. Know what? She's not a saint!!! Is she a friend? I guess so. She does favors for me which is nice. Do I like her? Not all the time. So then can I call myself a friend to her? Oh the puzzlement of life and relationships!!

I had to let that out. This topic also leads to discussion on hypocrites and selfishness but I don't feel like going there.


  1. this makes me think of the Friends episode where Phoebe tries to do a good deed for someone without getting anything in return...and she lets a bee sting her but then Joey or someone tells her that the bee dies after it stung her

  2. that's a great episode (pretty sure i say that about all of them)!!! i guess it's true. but do we have to go out of our way to get the credit?!
