Saturday, June 12, 2010

Vegan Pizza

YUMMO!!!!! I was blessed to be able to share an evening with some very good friends last night. They made pizza dough and told me I could bring whatever I wanted to put on top. I had mustard greens (was gonna do spinach and decided to be different), sliced black olives, mushrooms, and artichoke hearts. I did not opt for "vegan" cheese cuz I can't seem to find any that is actually vegan! and i should get used to no cheese if i ever want pizza from a restaurant!

it was FANTASTIC!!! I think the incredibly yummy home-made crust made the whole thing perfect :) i'm not sure i'd put it all on in the same order again. and i'd definitely put more (of the same stuff, and maybe more variety, but it didn't need it). no cheese necessary.

and it was FANTASTIC again today, cold, 24 hours later :) and i suspect that the final 2 pieces will be just as great tomorrow for lunch. unless i eat them tonight....

oh, but did i mention there are also vegan chocolate chip cookies?!?! YES!!!!

beyond the fabulousness of the meal, it was great hanging out with friends, cooking and watching movies (not the best movies ever unfortunately). i am truly blessed to have great people in my life who support my foodstyle and even accommodate it!!! thanks Q&L :)


  1. If only my name started with an A...then it could be Q and A! So far, all the vegan things we've made together have turned out mighty tasty!

  2. i did learn today that raw portobellos are not as tasty as cooked/grilled ones...
