Sunday, June 13, 2010

tomatoes and salads

i forgot about tomatoes!! raw and the right ripe, they're quite yummy!! how come i forgot this? why haven't i eaten a tomato in all this vegan-ness??!!! oh well, i know now.

i had said tomato in my salad. YES! SALAD!!! i decided that stupid allergies are not going to keep me from a really good salad when i am craving a salad!! i have looked at just about every bottle of dressing known to man in order to find the right one - some other vinegar, not distilled/white; vegan; if it's gotta have a sweetener, a "good" one, or at least not a "bad" one; and not weird. yesterday at Aldi, i happened upon one!! it's garlic italian and i DO love y garlic!! it has only like 7 ingredients, all of which pass my tests :) and it's good!! kinda sweet even, which I wasn't expecting. i didn't put much on the salad to be safe, and to get the flavor of all the veggies!

what was in my salad besides the dressing? mushrooms, tomato, olives, cucumber, carrots, baby spinach, and a spring mix (i bought a bag salad for this little experiment).

so far so good on the dressing's reaction!! i won't have a salad every day yet. but this is GREATNESS!!! it is hard to be vegan without salad in your repertoire!!

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