Monday, February 14, 2011

Celebrate Being Single Day!!

Could there be a sillier holiday than Valentine's Day?? It celebrates a baby who supposedly is a good match-maker. Really?? Seems more about spending money and "proving" your love. Shouldn't we show our love every day??

I mostly felt this way when in a relationship too.

So, today I have christened, "Celebrate Being Single" Day!! Because, really, it's cheaper, no one disappoints you, and I don't have to dress up and fight crowds on a school night!!!

But for the couples out there, hope you have a good day. Don't forget to love your significant other tomorrow too :)


  1. I agree about the silliness of this holiday! I do have to admit that I enjoyed the chocolate covered strawberries that a student gave me today though!

  2. YuM!!!!! My mentor sent me a carnation-gram. That was sweet. Several students did try to give me pieces of their chocolate which I had to decline.
