Sunday, August 28, 2011

God keeps us on our toes!

I've been led by God to do a lot of things, go a lot of places. This morning, I felt PUSHED!!!

I got up and went grocery shopping. I had thought about trying out the church up the street from me, but decided to skip. Again. I've been thinking about visiting that church for some time.

Anyway, I got home from the store with just enough time to put on a skirt and some make-up. I wanted to sit on the couch instead, but I really felt like God was pushing me out the door. So I went.

It was all music and a sermon. The sermon was really more like a Bible study. The service was over in about an hour (though the preacher joked about it being short...). The music was fabulous. The young couple next to me was very nice. I'd go back.

Still not sure what I'm looking for but I don't think it was there. But I'm glad I went. Uplifted for the week.

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