Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Could it get worse?

Let's not find out!!

This school year has just not started off right for me. First, they shift my students around, which really is sort of a good thing in the end, but it was quite chaotic for several days. And made me feel like the end of week TWO is when I really got to start getting to know my kids' names. I usually have them down by DAY two!! I still feel like I don't know who they are - their names, mostly, but not anything about them. I hate that. But anyway....

Then I got sick. I am still not 100% and I'm on week 3 of feeling crummy!!! I know a lot of it is that I am just tired. But even sleeping doesn't seem to help!! I took a day off last week and slept all day. Still groggy and in a fog...

And THEN... my Gradebook (the computer one) where we do grades, attendance and such, was attacked by gremlins. Okay, not really. Someone somewhere messed up and to make a long story short, I can't log in. Therefore, I can't take attendance every period, and I can't input grades. I'm on day 3 of this. Yesterday I was ready to throw something because those in charge of reconciling attendance kept "forgetting" and thus making me out as someone not doing my job. If you know me, you know I do my job!!

And then we get to today... students were taking notes today. They copy stuff from the "smart board" which today was a PDF projected from my computer. They write and then I talk about it, etc. The lights have to be off for this to happen. And many students move closer to the board, and sit on the floor even so they can see better. Yeah, so I tripped over a student and fell. I think if I'd just fallen, and not tried to stop myself, I would've been better off. I was also trying not to land on the student... I pretty much landed on my knee (the "good" one) and then rolled hard on to my side. I know this because of what hurts. I am proud of myself that I stood up, after checking on the student of course, and continued teaching. I really just wanted to cry. I'm icing my knee right now. I did at lunch too. I think it's just a bad welt/bruise. Nothing feels torn or otherwise permanently damaged.

Oh yeah, before or after the fall, I can't remember, we had a great deal of trouble getting the classroom door open. I finally forced hard enough that it worked. And then I put in a request to fix it, as its been getting worse by the day. The nice men who came to fix it seemed to have been blaming me for pushing on it too far (don't ask). Whatever.

I've spent much of the day wondering what's next. I would like to just start the year over. Or something. But it's all adding up to me being ready to lose my mind, or quit my job, or at least take the rest of the week off. But I've already taken off two days for the sickness. This is only week 6 of 37!!!!!!

Also, I am so excited that it's almost not hot so Slugger and I can walk more. And now it hurts to walk again. Are you feeling my levels of frustration?!?!

I'm really writing this all down cuz I have found that writing can be kinda therapeutic. And now I'm just going to cry it out. And then take some Ibuprofen PM and see where the bruises are in the morning. Maybe I'll post pictures!!!

UPDATE 10/1: September is over and so far October is MUCH better :)

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