Thursday, March 12, 2015

40 4 40 Reflections from a 40 year old

I spent over eight months doing new things, counting them, and writing about them. It actually seems like an odd endeavor in hindsight. However, it was far from odd, or easy, or simple.

When asked throughout the journey what I'd done, or what was my favorite, or something, I never had the same answer twice. Even now, if asked, I don't think I could tell you all 40 and certainly not in order! But that doesn't mean any of them weren't worth doing.

I don't think any one really stands out as the coolest or best or most interesting/exciting. I did things that other people did when they were 5 or 16. I did things that people in Texas have been doing their whole lives. I did things that were basically "normal" to me and things that were not. Some things fell into place, others I sought out. There were a few things that I'd always wanted to do and this was my excuse.

Overall, the word that keeps coming to mind is "monumental". It's not like this challenge changed my life drastically. But it did make me see how much we skip or avoid because we can. I'm a lazy girl and these activities made me get off the couch. One friend even commented that they were making me get out mid-week! Yup. I guess you could say they brought me out of my comfort zone and made me more well-balanced. Or something like that.

One of the funnest parts of this journey has been the support from family and friends. I got lots of suggestions on new things to try and many offers to try with me. I tried to incorporate as many friends as possible and ended up getting to know several friends even better along the way!

As part of the "party favor" at my big birthday bash, I challenged my guests to try something new and even gave them 5 of my new things to get them started. One has already invited me to join in on HER new thing :) I hope that everyone will be inspired to try new things and see what's out there in the world!

Would I do it again? YES!!! Will I do 50 new things in the next decade? Probably. I have done several new things already since #40. I keep having to remind myself that I will do new things, I just don't have to count them :)

For those who haven't been reading or who have also forgotten what's on the list, this is the list I kept...

40 4 40 New Things

1. Talk on the Ham radio
2. Paddle Board
3. Build a fence
4. Moonshine
5. Get a celebrity tweet response
6. Sushi
7. Blood moon
8. HS ftbl coach
9. Read Bones book
10. Paint a pumpkin
11. 2000 piece puzzle
12. Make Crème Brule
13. Pay off a student loan
14. Walk a 5k
15. Serve a holiday meal to less fortunate
16. Hang Christmas Lights
17. Race Communications in Texas
18. Amy Grant concert
19. San Antonio
20. glamorshots
21. Try Echolink
22. Watch Bambi
23. Read (& watch) Romeo & Juliet
24. Winstar
25. Farmer’s Branch Rose Garden walk (Cleburne State Park)
26. minor league hockey (on the glass)
27. Kimbell Art Museum
28. Hamfest
29. Spiral Diner
30. Cooking class
31. police ride along
32. Rodeo
33. Shoot a gun
34. Mammogram
35. SNL
36. Buy (& use) a Groupon
37. Lose 30 pounds
38. Spray tan
39. Piano Bar
40. Skydive/Tiara

Dave's #48

For those that don't know, my big brother's birthday is the day after mine. I was his 8th birthday present :) Since he was coming to celebrate my #40, I thought I should do something extra special for him on HIS birthday! Actually, it was very easy to decide what to do - he's a Cowboys fan and he would be in Cowboy country... tour Cowboy Stadium!!!

Turns out that tours are contingent on whatever is happening at the stadium. We HAD to go on Sunday (which conveniently was Dave's actual birthday and when we WANTED to go!) and HAD to get the "VIP" tour - which meant we had a tour guide and got to see more. BUT we didn't get to go on the field. But I figured we'd see enough that the field wouldn't be a big deal.

We met in the Pro Shop, which is an experience in itself - want something, anything with a Cowboy logo - go there! They had it all!! From the store, we went upstairs and ended up in the stadium, at a concession area. Soon, Ted, our tour guide showed up and whisked us off to see many wonderful things.

We saw several fancy areas for the folks with season tickets and such. We sat in the padded seats :) We stared at the jumbotron. There are actually TVs EVERYWHERE. No matter what you need to do away from your seat, you will NOT miss a moment of the game - that was Jerry's idea!! Even the floor was specially picked out and designed to highlight Cowboy's blue! We even got to sit in a swanky suite. Yup, I need to meet some of THOSE people!!

I was amazed at the attention to detail in the entire place. From the TVs and special tiles, to the pictures in all the hallways. We went down a lot of hallways. The fountain, the lights, and more were shaped like footballs. Other lights and such were stars (as in Cowboy logo star). There were interactive kiosks where you could learn more about the players, cheerleaders, or stadium, or more probably!

Football light

a piece of art I liked

something about "what the boys do"

Dave with his girls (this is one of the kiosks)

 Then we went down the freight elevator (so we'd all fit). We ended up in the basement/dungeon. It was big enough for two semis to pass each other. We know because we actually saw one in it!! This level is where we found the locker rooms (cheerleaders and players) and press conference room.

Ted answering the pressing questions!
The cheerleaders locker room is PINK!!! 

Where the 'Boys head to the field...

It was a great tour! Ted said we'd leave as fans of the building and he was right. We ALL want to go back to a game!!

After the tour, we went to a little hamburger place that one of the stadium people told me about. Airways was really good!! A little tiny place I never would've noticed but with great decor (old plane parts and pics).

At that point we went separate ways for a bit. I took Christy to the airport and the rest went to the Moose Lodge in FW. Well, they tried. It was closed!! So I then met them at the Stockyards. Dad and I decided to go home for a bit to check on dogs and take a nap (I hadn't slept well as a 40 year old yet). We then met back up with Dave and Loni for a steak dinner at Riscky's in the Stockyards. I had catfish but the rest had cow. It was all yummy and we even splurged on dessert!!

Dave said it was his best 48th birthday ever :)

Here are some more pics of the stadium...

They were washing it. The guys in the crane baskets had pressure washers. CRAZY!!

Monday, March 9, 2015

40 4 40 #40 The One that Wasn't

This is the LAST in a series of posts chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turned 40. Wow. #40. Didn't think I'd get here. Thanks for following along!

On my 30th birthday, while parasailing, I decided that on my 40th birthday, I would skydive! This entire 40 new thing challenge was leading up to #40 which was to be skydiving. As we got closer and weather was bad, I was faithful that the big day would bring beautiful weather. And it did!! However, the 2 weeks of precipitation left the runway a muddy, wet mess. I probably COULD have jumped late afternoon or Sunday but I want to enjoy it and not have to run off to a party or whatever so I chose to not skydive ON my 40th birthday. Instead I am now working on plans to jump when I am in CA this summer. It WILL happen!!

But since I needed a 40th thing on Saturday, I decided to call #40 "Princess for a Day"! I had already bought myself a pretty tiara to wear at the party that night but I put it on and wore it most of the day :) Out and about, to school (to show Christy around), to Starbucks, etc. WHY NOT?!??!?!

In addition, I threw myself a birthday bash!! There were about 35 people who came out to my church fellowship hall to help me celebrate. They even brought presents!! They played games, worked on puzzles, made bookmarks, took selfies and ate snacks and CAKE :) They all said they had fun. I have heard from folks who didn't make it and they said they heard it was fun, so I guess it was good!!

Dad and big brother Dave trying out the "Selfie Station"

The cake!
The cake after Leslie worked her wonders :)
The birthday princesses :) Mary turned 82!! 

My entourage :)
Cutting the cake :) It was beautiful vegan yumminess!!

The group who helped me celebrate! Love every one of them!!

40 4 40 #39 Pete's Piano Bar

This is the latest entry in a series chronicling my attempt to try 40 new things before I turn(ed) 40. I'm slow in writing it up because I was busy turning 40!! 

For several years, I tried to go to Pete's Piano Bar in downtown Fort Worth to celebrate my birthday. I don't even remember where I heard about it or why I wanted to go! Nor do I recall any of the reasons why it didn't happen! I decided it'd be fun to do the night before my birthday since I'd have people in from out of town and it'd give folks a chance to celebrate if they weren't able to join the party on the big day. 

There were 13 of us there Friday night. There were also parties of just marrieds and about to be marrieds and a 30th birthday party. There were several other birthdays too in the crowd but those seemed to not have the fancy reservation tables or something. 

The first two piano players got us all singing and even a little dancing. After an hour, they were relieved by two more players. They were ALL quite talented. It was very impressive that they knew every song without ever looking at a sheet of music, and the music never stopped. One or both was constantly playing a ditty of some sort. 

Loni (my sister-in-law) and Christy (my college roommate) knew practically every song while I knew some parts of many of them but could only sing along to all of a few. I faked it though :) At one point I went on stage as a birthday girl. During another song, we were to hit hips with a stranger so I picked the piano player - I figured he was safer than an actual drunk stranger! 

I would definitely go back. There are some friends who weren't able to go but want to go so maybe even soon!! The whole place was smoke free so that was extra nice!! 

Christy and I ready to go!
The family

Christy and I having fun!

The whole gang, except Becky cuz she was late

My brother bought me a shot. I do believe that was a first!!

He tried to buy me a second. Christy became my surrogate drinker :) She also received one from the random dude who sat behind us. I SUCK at selfies!!! (That's Loni and Christy enjoying their shots with me in the middle holding the phone)

Thursday, March 5, 2015

40 4 40 #38 spray tan

This is the latest in a series of posts chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 day after tomorrow!!!!  You can read all the entries using the label 40 4 40.

I have laid out in the sun. I have lain (?) in a tanning bed. All when I was much younger. Now I get my color by accident when I am hiking or mowing or such. I no longer really care that I am pasty white. I guess this is a perk of getting older - not caring about this sort of thing!

But the concept of a spray tan has intrigued me since Ross did his so very wrongly on Friends. So I thought this would be a good time to try it - as a new thing. I almost did it over Christmas break in case I ended up looking like Ross. However, it's not exactly cheap so I decided to wait until my big day so I could show it off.

So this afternoon I had the nice young lady at the tan store airbrush a tan on me. I got a deal on it and this eliminated the need to count and turn which messed up Ross.

Eight hours later I don't know that I'm any darker but its super cold and I'm unwilling to undress except my face and hands!  I did tell her not dark - just a healthy glow :)

I guess I'll see tomorrow!!!

Sorry no before and after pics. Blame Mother Nature!!!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

40 4 40 #37 Lose 30 Pounds

This is the latest in a series of entries chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in FOUR days!! You can read all the entries under the label 40 4 40.

Warning: This one is kinda personal.

The title is kind of a misnomer. I have not actually lost 30 pounds but that was my goal before my birthday. So... yeah.

I am not fat, have never been fat. I have weighed more than I should though! When I was dealing with all my thyroid stuff, my weight fluctuated quite a bit. There was a point in 2001 when I was attempting to learn to play hockey and lost some weight from all the practicing. However, that was ALSO during the thyroid madness so who knows what caused it. But people actually said I was TOO skinny. I never thought that, of course.

Anyway, once my thyroid came out, I was supposed to lose all the weight I'd gained leading up to that point. Yeah, that never happened. But I also never tried. I expected the new magic thyroid pill to do it for me :) Then I moved halfway across the country. Then I changed careers. Then I was unemployed for two years. Then I got a new job. Then George died. And I ate! And ate! Apparently too much, by the way my clothes fit and the need to frequent Goodwill.

I can't remember what made me look up the government's definition of "overweight" last Spring. But I did. And I was. By more than I thought actually. The "ideal weight" is 140 according to a bunch of internet study type things, but the BMI average is about 150. Now, when I looked all this up, I no longer owned a scale but I know that the last time I weighed myself, I was about 177-8. So I figure when I started trying to figure all this out I was basically right at 180. That's what I'm calculating my loss from.

I didn't seriously start trying to do anything major until I got home from California and school started in August. Though I was already just trying to make smarter choices. Sadly, I have horrible willpower when I'm hungry. Get me hungry and tired enough and I can happily devour an entire large pizza :) So I found a calorie tracker app online and started keeping track. I have never been overly strict and have gone weeks without inputting what I'm eating. But it helped me figure out to eat this instead of that and stuff like that. Now I know why Atkins and South Beach work, eliminating carbs - SO MANY CALORIES!!

I also have gone back to a more or less vegan-ish food style. I am not strict, but I try to eat vegan when I can. Except for fish. The reason I had trouble being vegan originally is I was running out of stuff to eat that I liked eating!! So fish. And it helps when eating out too.

Slugs and I were both doing well with our weight loss and exercise regimen until he hurt his knee in November. My weight sat at 160 for about 3 months!! We just weren't walking as far and it seems to be the most advantageous exercise for me to burn calories. And it's fun and gets us outside. Except when it turned cold. I hate cold. So ours walks got shorter. And I was stuck at 160.

Oddly, I told someone about a month ago about this goal and I magically started losing again. It also warmed up a little though. The next five pounds came off pretty easy. And here I sit, the week of my birthday, stressed, busy, icy, and I have decided that 25 pounds lost is a HUGE accomplishment, and so I'm calling it a new thing done.

BUT I AM going to keep going. Especially once it warms up and Slugger's knee continues to heal. I figure I'll be right where I want to be (which, btw, is really just ALL of my clothes fitting!!) just in time for summer - shorts and tank tops :)