Monday, August 28, 2017

Kodiak 100 2017

For the last several years, as Dad gears up for the Kodiak 100, I have had horrible homesickness because I so wanted to be able to help. THIS was one of the events that I moved here for!! 

Dad is in charge of ALL the radio communications for this race. It has multiple races within, with the 100 miler being the longest, with 36 hours allowed to complete. It basically makes a very large circle in the mountains around Big Bear Valley. There are a LOT of aid stations, MANY of them running for VERY long hours, through the night and/or all day. It is very hard to get enough communicators to adequately cover the stations with shifts. Mostly, communicators just stay at the station for hours upon hours. These are some dedicated folks. 

This year, the race started at 9am on Friday morning. I worked but as soon as I could get out, I picked up Slugger and we drove to Big Bear. Slugger got to stay at Dad's house with Cousin Tuck and I went on to Net Control. This is who all the other communicators talk to throughout the entire event. Some stations were hooked up with the computer system we use at AC100 but only if they could get internet access. There were many too far into the boonies for that and so they called every runner's time through the station into our Net Control. We then recorded it into the computer system for them. 

By the time I got there, the runners had been on course about 9 hours. Everyone in Net Control was tired. Of course, so was I since I'd taught all day! Several took naps throughout the night. Some came and went. I spent a lot of time on the radio. That's my favorite thing so I was happy and it kept me awake. 

Saturday dawned. Things got slow. Things picked up. I finally gave up trying to stay awake and un-grumpy at about 6pm. I went and got some food and went to pick up Slugger. I know it only makes sense to me, but I needed to go home to get any real sleep. I'd forgotten my charger at Net Control so Slugs and I drove back over there to get it. Slugs was so excited to see Dad. They actually hadn't seen each other yet. I love that Slugs loves Dad so much! We got home, and I went to bed and slept WELL!!

This was my first time working in Net Control. Usually we're off in the field somewhere doing the calling. This weekend was a very interesting experience for me! I had all these runner numbers in my head, could tell you a few names even. I know some stories about their race experience. But I never saw a runner. That's so weird!! It definitely gave me a new appreciation for Net Control. It is a BUSY place!! All sorts of crazy things are happening in person, on the radio, on the cell phone, etc. I think it made me even more tired, besides just not sleeping, because I had to THINK a lot! Answer questions, deal with emergencies, etc. 

I would be in Net Control again, but I'd MUCH rather be in the middle of nowhere!! 

Oh, Net Control was located in a cabin on the lake. It is usually in a location away from all the actual action. Here's the sunrise (before I left to go feed the dogs). From our porch.

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