Friday, October 13, 2017

HTH San Diego trip

I was fortunate to be selected to attend an event at High Tech High (HTH) in San Diego. It was a 3 day workshop on Project Based Learning (PBL). HTH is entirely PBL and has grown to include schools K-12 in several locations in the San Diego area. It's an interesting concept. We were basically walked through the process of how to create a good project. We toured the campus; we met teachers and students; and we produced ideas of our own. I didn't get quite to the point of having a project to go home and implement but I at least started the idea process. It is hard to come up with good PBL in math. This was actually confirmed for me by a student. It's not impossible though!!

In addition to enjoying and learning at the conference, I had time to experience a little of San Diego! My first thought was that I wanted to run on the water. I found a park that had a nice path along San Diego Bay. I didn't even know there was a bay! So see I also learned things about SD, not just PBL! Wednesday afternoon after the conference I set out for Harbor Island for an afternoon jog. I tend to not run in the afternoon due to heat but also because when I do, I tend to get shin splints.  On this particular run, it was beautiful weather  but I did experience shin pain. I ran through it :) Here are some shots from before and during the run...

After my run, I decided to drive around a bit. I had run further than I thought I was going to (cuz math) and was pretty hot and tired but I wanted to explore. I drove toward downtown on Harbor Rd. I basically stayed on that road for several miles. I came to the USS Midway. It's a museum and has a little park. There were a lot of people but I found a parking spot and decided to walk around a bit. I had cooled off a little so I don't think I stuck out amongst the crowd. Here's what I saw...

USS Midway

statues of Bob Hope performing for military

I kept driving and eventually passed the Convention Center and Petco Park. Hope to see the Padres play there eventually.
PetCo Park, taken out my car window...

I eventually made my way to the bridge to Coronado. For some reason I remember it being a toll bridge. It's not anymore - even had signs that said that. Coronado was beautiful. I'd love to go back and spend a day exploring! 

Then I drove back via interstate. It was faster :) Also, I was pretty darn hungry and had put in an order at Native Foods Cafe. This is a vegan place I've heard about but never been to. It was good but not the best. I ordered nachos, 2 cupcakes and a peanut butter parfait thing (I actually ate that the next afternoon). I took it back to my hotel and enjoyed it in front of the TV. Cuz cable! I also figured out how I wanted to spend the next afternoon. I planned to go the other direction and explore Point Loma and Cabrillo Natl Monument and lighthouse. The only issue was that I'd have to leave the conference as quickly as possibly and dart over there cuz they close the gates at 5pm. Conference was scheduled until 3:30!

The conference actually ended the day's session by giving us time to work with the group we'd come with from our own schools (we'd been separated for the most part for the rest of the time). We all walked back to the hotel, talking about our ideas as we went, much earlier than we'd expected to be let loose. One of the group had the project idea to incorporate an Escape Room as a final product. So we chatted about that and several of us admitted to never doing one cuz we were were nervous for various reasons. As a group, we decided we should go do one together. So we did. This meant I didn't get to visit the lighthouse though. This was a HUGE escape from my comfort zone - to go against my plan, to socialize with strangers, and to do an escape room. But I did it!!! We failed to escape but I had a lot more fun than I thought I would!! I actually think it was good doing it with a group I didn't really know well. And now I want to try again so I can escape successfully!! 

After that, we went our separate ways. They were going "out" and well, I'd had enough socialization time! I still drove out to Point Loma toward the light house even though I knew it was too late to get into the park. I thought maybe I'd go back on my way home the next day. Along the road is a military cemetery. I had known this but wasn't expecting the long rows of white headstones, similar to Arlington in DC. I drove through the cemetery a little, stopped and wandered through some memorials. I hadn't heard of any of the incidents  I read about on those memorials. But said some prayers for the lost and their families. I then enjoyed the sunset from my car, within the cemetery. 


looking back to SD bay

helicopter flew by

The sun basically just sank in to the water. It was fascinating and mesmerizing. And quick. Here's a video of it disappearing.

I drove back to the hotel via vegan fast food place (that's what they called themselves). I got a burger and chili cheese fries and cheesecake. I took them to the hotel and watched TV while devouring. Still prefer the Beyond Burger from Veggie Grill but this one was yummy. The cheesecake was okay. Didn't taste like cheesecake at all. I decided to just go home on Friday and not try to take in the lighthouse. I was worried about traffic and I missed my pooch incredibly! 

I very much enjoyed my visit to SD. I learned stuff at the conference and had fun exploring various parts of the city. I definitely want to go back and do more sightseeing!! Of course, I won't be staying at the same hotel. It was much nicer than I could afford!! 

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