Sunday, October 15, 2017

Training Update - Founders Day 5k

I actually had two nice runs while I was in SD. I was hoping that I'd be able to get back in to the habit and get inspired and all that. Worked!! This morning I set out for a "long run". But I decided to do something different. I had a goal of TIME instead of distance. I sort of had a route thought out but wasn't sure how long it take me. The plan was to run 30 minutes out, turn around and come home making an hour long run. I figured this should be 3-4 miles or so.

I started out heading toward the aqueduct on roads. Actually I basically ran as if I was going to work. Once I could see the aqueduct, I realized I'd be there before 30 minutes but not by too much. I really wanted to explore running on the path along the aqueduct but I had no idea where I'd be able to get back off the path besides WAY up at Main street which I knew was beyond my distance level. But I started that direction anyway.

This kind of led to some mental issues. I was tired and hot and had no idea if I'd end up going miles out of my way (okay a mile or two). I kept telling myself if I ended up having to go all that way, I'd just walk. I had plenty of water; I'd survive. There was a dirt path that more or less wandered parallel to the asphalt path I was on. I kept wondering if I was over there, I'd find an out. But then I wouldn't get in my whole hour cuz it'd put me closer to home. So, yeah, I was all up in my head.

I finally got to a point where I knew where I was, just on the wrong side of the fence. There are gigantic power lines inside the fence, which is why it's fenced off. Those power lines were between the aqueduct and my house, basically. I chose to transfer over to the dirt road/trail that went along the fence line in hopes of finding an opening in the fence. I passed one said opening because I couldn't see anyplace to get through the fence on the other side of the power lines. At the second opening, I took it as a sign (I could now see Main St and I REALLY didn't wanna go that far!!). I was directly across from another fence and I knew that road. I figured if I couldn't get through, I could follow THAT fence back toward home until I could get through. Sure enough, there WAS an opening. So then I ran home. I had actually walked quite a bit (3 minute intervals with a 2 minute run) trying to figure out where to go next.

Turned out I was out about 55 minutes and ran 3.7 miles. Not bad! And now I know I can get through there so the mental part won't be a factor next time.

I'm calling this my Founders Day 5k for the Stars Hollow running club. Go me :)

Forgot to wear the bib!

And I think I'm back into the running habit. I enjoy it and the feeling afterward (well, not the tired/hot but the satisfaction, etc.). My weekday runs were longer than normal cuz of being in SD and exploring there. I think that left me a little more tired today. So a little lighter week and perhaps the same long run next weekend. I don't have a new race registration yet but maybe soon. Maybe a thanksgiving 10k? or Christmas?? And finally a half by mid spring?

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