Dad got into the planning for my trail run and ended up being my crew! He dropped me at the dump road and I headed toward Canada. He would then pick me up where the PCT crosses VanDusen Canyon Road, about 6 miles later.
First, I had to run through the burn area from the Holcomb fire last June. It was stark and bare and just sad. Dad and I have hiked this section before and it's like a completely different place. I have pictures somewhere of the foliage that was so prominent and beautiful. Now I felt like I was on the moon or something. Sandy ash everywhere. I could see Baldwin Lake the entire way. Until I got to the side of the mountain that I needed to go up.
The trail went up with a couple switchbacks for about 2 more miles. It was rocky which I hate. I did a LOT of walking. I felt like I was dancing along the rocks, kinda power walking. But I did it and I knew that once I got to the top it would be worth it. And it was!!
Once I went over the top, I was able to run quite a bit. It was SO pretty and peaceful. There were quite a few snow patches. Some just a stride or two, others longer. I think the longest might have been 20 yards. And mushy snow because it was warm. My shoes got a little wet but I'd prefer that to scary icy snow.
It was mostly level or downhill at that point. It was AWESOME!!! Man, I want to live there so bad so I can run on trails all the time!!! But really, I think that running roads is good for me too. One, it makes me appreciate trails when I get to them. Two, it's different so it exercises muscles differently. Three, life isn't perfect.
I had a radio with me so I was listening to the BB Repeater the whole time. I chatted with Dad at about 3.5 miles. He was going to meet me along the trail to see how I was doing. I hadn't been on this trail though so I didn't really know where that point was. It was so much fun to be running strong down a hill and look up and there's Dad!! We walked a bit and chatted. I had a mile or so to the road. I set off running. He walked back to his car hoping to beat me to the "finish"!
This part I'd been on and recognized several portions. I finished with 6.9 miles!! I felt FANTASTIC!! I was tired and was happy to start but that "runner's high" had already settled in and I'm still feeling it!! I could almost forget about the mountain I started out going up!
It SO motivated me!! Let's DO this!!! Whatever THIS is 😉
One of the snow patches. The only pic I took cuz I was having so much fun! |
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