Monday, January 15, 2018

Getting Motivated

For Martin Luther King Jr weekend, I decided to go to Big Bear to see Dad and go for a trail run. Since I had a 3rd day, I'd still have time to do household chores and such.

Dad got into the planning for my trail run and ended up being my crew! He dropped me at the dump road and I headed toward Canada. He would then pick me up where the PCT crosses VanDusen Canyon Road, about 6 miles later.

First, I had to run through the burn area from the Holcomb fire last June. It was stark and bare and just sad. Dad and I have hiked this section before and it's like a completely different place. I have pictures somewhere of the foliage that was so prominent and beautiful. Now I felt like I was on the moon or something. Sandy ash everywhere. I could see Baldwin Lake the entire way. Until I got to the side of the mountain that I needed to go up.

The trail went up with a couple switchbacks for about 2 more miles. It was rocky which I hate. I did a LOT of walking. I felt like I was dancing along the rocks, kinda power walking. But I did it and I knew that once I got to the top it would be worth it. And it was!!

Once I went over the top, I was able to run quite a bit. It was SO pretty and peaceful. There were quite a few snow patches. Some just a stride or two, others longer. I think the longest might have been 20 yards. And mushy snow because it was warm. My shoes got a little wet but I'd prefer that to scary icy snow.

It was mostly level or downhill at that point. It was AWESOME!!! Man, I want to live there so bad so I can run on trails all the time!!! But really, I think that running roads is good for me too. One, it makes me appreciate trails when I get to them. Two, it's different so it exercises muscles differently. Three, life isn't perfect.

I had a radio with me so I was listening to the BB Repeater the whole time. I chatted with Dad at about 3.5 miles. He was going to meet me along the trail to see how I was doing. I hadn't been on this trail though so I didn't really know where that point was. It was so much fun to be running strong down a hill and look up and there's Dad!! We walked a bit and chatted. I had a mile or so to the road. I set off running. He walked back to his car hoping to beat me to the "finish"!

This part I'd been on and recognized several portions. I finished with 6.9 miles!! I felt FANTASTIC!! I was tired and was happy to start but that "runner's high" had already settled in and I'm still feeling it!! I could almost forget about the mountain I started out going up!

It SO motivated me!! Let's DO this!!! Whatever THIS is 😉

One of the snow patches. The only pic I took cuz I was having so much fun!

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