Saturday, January 6, 2024

Winter Break Week #3

 Everything is off my list except "clean good". Well, know what? That "good" part is relative. I DID clean. Sort of. 

I finished the baby blanket and it's ready to be packed for next weekend. I also finished putting together my thank you gift montage for my Secret Santa. Hope she loves it all!

On Thursday, Slugger got into a row with a couple loose dogs. He's got some scrapes but he's okay. 

I FINALLY finished the kitchen counter project!! Now, technically, I haven't ruled out eventually putting a little white between each of the back splash tiles but I like it the way it is, I think. And the kitchen is clean and put back together!!! YAY!!!! So, see, I cleaned.

The BIG thing of the week that wasn't on the list cuz I didn't know it was a thing, is that it seems I've unclogged the drains. Last weekend when I did laundry, I think, it backed up into the bathroom sink. Or at some point. Anyway, I put baking soda and vinegar down all the drains except in the guest bathroom (cuz I didn't think about it until like an hour ago). Washing machine did weird things, but I think it was unrelated. No gurgling! No gurgling when I take a shower! AND I'm currently running the dishwasher and NO gurgling!! So maybe there'd been a clog as long as I've lived here?! I'm thinking it might be a good idea to run the mixture down the drains every month or two. Or every break :) Anyway, I think I have success. 

It snowed on Wednesday. Little over an inch. It's been cold though so it's lingering in places. I got in my NYD run but not a run on Wednesday. I burned some calories in the exercise room instead. Then today I headed up 2N02. It was sketchy in places but nothing impassable, on foot. There were vehicles but I would NOT have done that!! And it was beautiful :)

1/1/24 run


Saturday run up 2N02

That's about it. Now a whole lot of puppy snuggles until the alarm goes off really really early on Monday morning!

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