Saturday, June 22, 2024

Day Ten SD3

 South Dakota is beautiful but I'm glad to be done with it.

I decided to do everything I could in the Badlands before moving on. That wasn't the original plan. But my plan made no sense, once I was here. I got up plenty early to be in the Park with plenty of time to drive through, stop for pictures and of course a hike. Or two :)

I'm not sure I'll ever get over the diversity of the landscapes in America. I've seen prairies, and mountains, and water and roads, and it's all gorgeous. (Okay downtown Chicago wasn't my kind of beauty) Badlands National Park can be added to the awesomeness and wonder at what God created for us. It did look a lot like Teddy's badlands, but yes different. I don't know how to explain it. Maybe it was just because we got closer to the monoliths (?) in Badlands. Anyway, here ya go...

looking one direction

turned around looking the other direction

hike #1

too many people
stairs and boardwalk involved (also trail)

hike #2 - actual trail!

I went far enough to be "amidst" the Badlands

Golly it's humid there. I guess cuz it wasn't all that "hot" (70*?) but I was sweating and yucky! So I left and changed gears to the Cold War. I had a 1pm tour of the Delta 01 Minuteman Missile Launch Control Facility. First I stopped at the Visitor Center and watched the video so I'd know what I was seeing (I've learned how to do this!). 

There were 150 (?) missiles all over the midwest at one point. One launch center controlled 10-15 missiles. Tickets are really hard to get for the tour because they can only let in 6 people at a time. Because the elevator to the bottom where the actual launch controls are, was built for 2. It was super cool to be on a tour with such a small group (one family of 4 and me). The ranger was very informative. "Up top" was basically a home for the 8 folks who were on duty there. Or really for when they weren't on duty, I guess. Down below, there had to be 2 people at all times. They worked 24 hour shifts. There were checks and balances and controls and security up the wazoo so there were no accidents or treasons. Two launch centers had to have the same codes in order for anything to be launched. Amazing. Oh there was also a plane that was Plan B. It was fascinating. I need to find a book!

space for hanging out and eating between shifts

the upstairs desk for security control

elevator to go down with Ranger Emily

the controls, with a reminder list of stuff to make sure
you remember to bring back up with you


the box (open door on left) is where launch control sits -
it hangs and is able to "swing" in the case of say a big boom

in the box - launch control

the chair moves so that if strapped in, they don't have to get up to complete their job

green lights for all the missiles they're in charge of

me with Ranger Emily (she's from Houston!)

the door into the box

Ranger Emily suggested we drive 11 miles up the road to the actual missile site. One can't go in/down but the missile is there for viewing. 

An actual guy who used to work on it volunteers to talk to people.
I didn't talk to him.
But I'm pretty sure he was in the movie I watched at the Visitor Center.

this is what SD looks like when it's not Badlands or Black Hills

Okay, so then I headed to Nebraska. Punched in the address of the hotel and went on my way. Now, I knew I was going to a little tiny town, but I didn't expect the route that Google took me on. I drove through more fields, more badlands looking landscapes, through a Sioux (?) reservation, and I was about 25 miles from Valentine, my destination, when BAM, the highway turned to dirt! Mud actually. And we all know how much I want to drive on muddy roads. There was a farm driveway just a little ways and a farmer guy in the driveway, so I pulled in. He was VERY helpful. First, the GPS lady had welcomed me to Nebraska about 15 miles too early. He and I looked at my map. I could either go the way it told me, and the dirt would turn back to pavement at the state line, in about 10 miles. Or I could go back the way I came and go around the way I should have in the first place. He promised that the road in front of his house was the worst and it wouldn't be bad. Hmph. It wasn't really. But it certainly wasn't good. And I had to pee SO bad!! BUT I made it. Thank the Good Lord who accompanies me on all my adventures! I was SO excited to get to Nebraska!! About 10 miles later I got to Valentine and a gas station with a VERY  nice bathroom. I bought Twinkies. I deserved a little reward. So, South Dakota will always mean dirt roads to me. 

BTW, I looked for settings that involve dirt roads, but I didn't see any so I think Google is just stupid. I have triple checked my route for tomorrow. 

My hotel is nice and the guy recommended a local restaurant which was very good. Nebraska steak is GOOD steak! And they had a Nebraska sign. #49

Tomorrow I drive to Iowa. Lots of driving, no planned stops, but I am taking the scenic byway. 

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