Friday, February 25, 2011


That is all.

(and I just figured out how to see comments)

Monday, February 21, 2011

Doin' Something Right

Today I got one of the greatest compliments ever from a student. She said some years she can't do math cuz of the teacher. She aaked I'd there was a possibility of having me next year because she can learn it from me!!!! So sweet. Reminds that I'm doing SOMEthing right!!!!

Thursday, February 17, 2011


Please comment so I can see if I can see it! I am posting this from my phone. So fancy! And I'm getting pretty good at the typing thing :)

So High Tech!

I got my new phone! It does "everything"!! Except, I have to learn how to make it do it... guess it'll keep me busy for the next two years until it's time to upgrade again :)

Hmmm... I should figure out how to get to my blog on it...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Celebrate Being Single Day!!

Could there be a sillier holiday than Valentine's Day?? It celebrates a baby who supposedly is a good match-maker. Really?? Seems more about spending money and "proving" your love. Shouldn't we show our love every day??

I mostly felt this way when in a relationship too.

So, today I have christened, "Celebrate Being Single" Day!! Because, really, it's cheaper, no one disappoints you, and I don't have to dress up and fight crowds on a school night!!!

But for the couples out there, hope you have a good day. Don't forget to love your significant other tomorrow too :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

summer pooie

So here I am thinking I'd work an extra 6 weeks this summer, make some extra money and all would be well. I finally remembered to ask the principal in charge of summer school, while actually on campus (don't you have it when you only think of something when you can't do anything about it? but that's another post...). Guess what?

We're not having summer school. Most likely. Apparently, summer school is not state funded after 6th grade and so we have to charge for it, and I guess that doesn't go over well, and basically is more hassle than it's worth so they've, so far, just said, eh, never mind.

So, now I'm trying to brainstorm other short-lived summer jobs, that will make more bank than it will take effort...

the good news is that the principal said he'd offer to "his" staff first, if they change their minds, and he'd put feelers to the elementary principals for me. since i AM certified and all!! i can handle 6 weeks of brats, right!??!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Ted has met their mother - spoiler

If you watch How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) you'll know that we've followed Ted for several (4?) years in search of Ms. Right. He is telling this story to his kids who we occasionally see on the couch, reacting. In the last year or so there's been much gripe that he needed to get somewhere on his search. Last season we were teased with the fact that he dated her roommate...

I THINK (but could be wrong) that a recurring character, Zoie, was at some point said to be a roommate of that ex, but of course, not necessarily THE one.

TONIGHT, Ted and Zoie, FINALLY get together (she was married). YAY!!!

Why am I blogging about this? Well... I had this thought... if Ted has finally met HIS match, isn't it about time for me?

Not that I'm ready. Too much to deal with as a single person - debt, career solidity (is that a word?), etc. But, still...

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow Week

I love Texas. As I've stated (or whined or hollered) I hate being cold and I hate snow. In Texas, we get very few snowy, icy, frigid days. The best part is that Texans, like me, are wimps and everything shuts down. I basically refuse to drive in the icy, snowy mess and have considered calling in sick on days that are bad. Luckily I've never had to because school generally gets cancelled.

This week we will be out of school for 4 days. Because 1 inch of snow/ice refuses to melt. Sounds ludicrous but I sure am glad. Yes, making the days up in June will bite. But driving on these roads bites worse!!

Now, the real problem is that my kids get a test on Monday. Is there any chance they remember this stuff?!?!! I am considering letting them use their review... Any chance they know where it is after all this time!?!?!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

it's MY blog

and I'll complain if I want to.

IT'S WAY TOO FLIPPING COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THIS is NOT why I live in TX. now, the bright side is that it's rarely THIS cold and never for very long. not all winter like in other places. THAT is why I DO live in TX!! BUT, when it's THIS cold for THIS long, yep, I whine.

I HATE BEING COLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (and paying electric bills)