Sunday, August 28, 2011

God keeps us on our toes!

I've been led by God to do a lot of things, go a lot of places. This morning, I felt PUSHED!!!

I got up and went grocery shopping. I had thought about trying out the church up the street from me, but decided to skip. Again. I've been thinking about visiting that church for some time.

Anyway, I got home from the store with just enough time to put on a skirt and some make-up. I wanted to sit on the couch instead, but I really felt like God was pushing me out the door. So I went.

It was all music and a sermon. The sermon was really more like a Bible study. The service was over in about an hour (though the preacher joked about it being short...). The music was fabulous. The young couple next to me was very nice. I'd go back.

Still not sure what I'm looking for but I don't think it was there. But I'm glad I went. Uplifted for the week.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Pep 'em UP!!!

Today was the first pep rally of the school year to celebrate our first home football game of the year.

I believe in getting pepped up and encouraging others to get pepped as well. Most students already know I'm nuts. They just laugh.

This year I am making myself a little more visible, in front of my sophomores (I'm their class sponsor). Apparently now all the teachers all realize I'm nuts!

Yep, I'm the one with no rhythm having fun trying to get hose kids excited!!! I believe in school spirit!!!

Besides its a PEP rally, not a RHYThM rally!!!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Two down, 178 (or so) to go

Well, I'm still alive. My feet hurt. I'm exhausted. My throat hurts. My brain doesn't want to work. But...

I have some good kids! About 150 total. There are a couple of challenges but nothing too major yet. I've already laughed. Learned. Gotten mad. And then some!

Now, to get some sleep and go back for more tomorrow!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

It's Here

Well, I've watched 7 seasons of NCIS, several seasons of Weeds and CSI, 3 seasons of The Big Bang Theory, and the first season of Gilmore Girls. I've slept; I've driven; I've shopped; I've sweated; I've hiked; I've relaxed; I've even gone on a date.

In about an hour, I will take some Nyquil and go to bed. And then... students will descend upon my classroom. Ready or not.

I don't remember being nervous last year. I'm sure I was. Right now, I mostly feel unprepared. Not sure why. I am prepared. For tomorrow at least. It's almost like I'm forgetting something. I've checked my to-do list several times today. Everything is checked off.

Besides, even if I am forgetting something, or am not 110% prepared, it's not like tomorrow won't happen! Those students will be there at 7:55am regardless!

And, so, my friends... here we go!!!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Not the right words...

George is sick. Two vet visits. Lots of dollars. Actually, she's doing much better, but she has bad kidneys, so we're going to do whatever we need to since we caught it early and CAN do something.

Anyway, I've been sharing this on Facebook as its been happening. And here is why I'm posting here... why do people feel that the comment they need to make is about their own pet dying of a kidney issue. Really? That is Soooooo not what I need or want to hear about right now!!!! I'm sure they're well meaning and all, but those are not the right words to show support!!!

George should be fine with the proper treatment. And its helped me come to terms with the fact that she's old.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Summer is Gone

Once again, we teachers say goodbye to summer. The long days of reading and lounging and general relaxing. We cross off the last of our project list. We wonder how it all went so fast.

Upon us is an exciting new year. We've prepped our classrooms. We've attempted to get on a normal sleep schedule. We're excited for the fresh new faces, new minds to mold. Our lesson plans are ready. Our gradebooks are a blank slate, anticipating a year of excellence, knowing there will always be at least one.

Here we go. One hundred eighty days of fun, excitement, challenge, headache, heartache, heartwarmth. Every day different, never knowing what to expect. Learning and teaching so much more than our certificate says. I'm ready.

Now, when's Christmas Break?

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Random Rambles

Weather - It rained today. Not at my house though. We got a dozen raindrops, a lot of wind, and dark skies. G and I even went outside to see what was happening. It was pretty nice out. I could smell rain, it just didn't quite fall. Or didn't make it to the ground. Or something. Still brown grass. But at least I still don't have to mow!! And sadly, we broke our streak of 100 degree days, one day shy of tying the record. 1980 will continue to live on in infamy while we just continue to suffer.

Football - The Cowboys game is on my TV. It doesn't appear to be very exciting. Field goals. Oh lala! I'm just glad there will be a season. For Fantasy Football purposes. And for everyone who makes their living off of beer production.

Politics - I hate politics. I try to ignore it. But today, Rick Perry put his name in the hat for president. Argh. I don't follow enough to know more than under him, our education system isn't doing very well. He doesn't seem to support us. Therefore, I hope he loses. Of course, rumor is he's running with Palin. That's SO not helping his chances!!

Dad - he rocks. He's been on a biking adventure that was kinda nutty, in my opinion. But he did it, and he had fun! And I sat on my arse, so I guess he wins :) I love him!!

That is all for today.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Done for a While

I had a date today. Well, I had lunch with a man that I had not previously met that a mutual friend thought we'd be "perfect together". We e-mailed for about a week before making plans for today. In the course of the e-mails we'd pretty much both stated that we weren't into dating and weren't looking for anything out of the meal. That took the pressure off, but I was still nervous. I guess nervous is the right word. Not excited. Apprehensive maybe? We ate at one of my favorite places (PeiWei) so that helped a lot too!!

Anyway, it was a pleasant meal. Food was YUMMY! We were able to keep up chatter. Nothing deep. It was a good time, I suppose. I e-mailed a thank you and we've established we'd like to stay in touch. Partly because our mutual friend is in a not-so-good relationship.

So, I've had my date for this decade. I'm done :)

Thursday, August 4, 2011


I keep thinking I should be doing something today. I do have things left on my summer to-do list. But then, I keep thinking that I only have a few days left of doing nothing, so I should enjoy them. Of course, once school starts, my to-do list gets forgotten, so I should get things checked off.

Argh! This dilemma exhausts me. I think I'll take a nap :)

Monday, August 1, 2011

Forever a Bachelorette?

Tonight was the finale of The Bachelorette. She found love. Who knows if it'll last!

I'm a bachelorette. I kinda like it. However, watching shows like this, I wonder if I'm missing something. I doubt it. But seeing how happy they are together and how romantic it all was, it makes a single girl wistful!

And then, I come home to my George, with all my stuff where I want it, and can do whatever I want!! A big diamond can NOT beat that :)

My philosophy (?) on my own personal love life is that I'm happy just the way things are. I do believe that God has a life partner for me, somewhere, sometime. I'm fine waiting. All I ask is that I know when it's "him". It'd make things easier :)