Monday, October 29, 2012

Nine weeks down...

The school year is 1/4 over. We are through nine weeks. Halfway through the first semester. All that sounds great, but we have a lot farther (further?) to go!!

It's not even November, and I am exhausted!! I feel burnt out almost. How? Why? And how on earth am I going to get through the next 25 weeks?? Especially when it's really 27. I'm obviously not sleeping well or something. I think I can blame it on not exercising and my diet. I need to go back to being good about my veganness. Then maybe I'll have enough energy to exercise. Which will then make me less tired and have more oomph and not want to take a nap all day every day.

We can hope. I'm counting down the days to Thanksgiving break. 22. Hey, that's my lucky number!!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Loooong Week...

This week is FINALLY over!!! My dentist appointment on Monday afternoon seems like months ago!!!

I felt the need to celebrate Friday night and the end of this week by blogging :) You're welcome.

Also to brag. I work at an amazing school. We're not perfect but we know how to celebrate disability. For the second year in a row, our Homecoming Queen is an amazing student who happens to live with a disability. I can't pronounce or say the name of it, but Ali shines in her wheelchair everyday! She's smart, funny, friendly, and definitely has school spirit!! Although there were several good choices for Queen, once again, the Hornets picked right :)

Next week will be much easier. Two days of teaching and three days of a conference. The biggest headache will be driving to Colleyville and back for those 3 days.                                                      

OH, and 4 weeks until Thanksgiving!! I will be thankful for 5 days of sleeping late :)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

A Little Randomness

Some thoughts of this week...

My annual evaluation was on Wednesday. An Assistant Principal came in and observed a lesson. I told her the day and class to come.  I'd been planning it for over a month. The lesson was terrible!! The kids were unruly. The concept was one they really already knew (I don't think the observer noticed). I felt like all I did was scream at them. It was a group project so part of it was just trying to transition from step to step. I so didn't like it, I didn't even do it by the last class of the day!! Anyway, the AP loved it and I suppose that's what matters. Of course, she was a little too nice, in my opinion, but whatever. There is still room for improvement :)

I got a new cell phone. Ma paid for it. Golly my parents spoil me. I know in time I will repay them with a real nice assisted living facility. So, after all the conundrum and shopping and questioning, I went with a new smartphone. It really was very silly to consider giving up the great plan I have now. AND the phone is 4G and SOO fast!!! I haven't borrowed internet yet :) I watched a video last night, but not yet one on CBS or TNT which are the two that didn't particularly like the previous slow connection. But I'm pretty sure it'll be better, if not excellent!! YAY!!! So my monthly expense will not change :)

This week has felt about 6 months long. Okay, maybe just 6 weeks long. I am so far behind. I got to work early this morning to figure out what we were doing today in Geometry. I made copies about 7am. I copied the answer key... so I explained to all my students that they had the answers so they had to show their WORK to how they got there... they thought this was a great idea... I might actually do it again. On purpose. I spent 2 hours entering grades this afternoon. After spending much time this week grading and sorting papers (to make it easier to grade while "tutoring" in the computer lab this afternoon). I really think I might get my head above water by tomorrow afternoon.

I've been so busy or befuddled or whatever this week I haven't even done very well with this week's dress-up days. It's homecoming/red ribbon week. I did nerd day pretty well. The rest I just didn't have the oomph to go overboard like I usually do. You know, the kids really like it. There are students who I don't know who come by to see how I dress up on these days!! I have a reputation to uphold!!!

Speaking of students, I had a couple today say that they like me cuz I tell them about my life. How can you spend so much time with a group and not get to know them? And how can you get to know them without sharing some of yourself?

That is all. I think.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Springtown Spin 2012

This morning I rode in the Springtown Spin. Springtown is the city 10 miles west of Azle that used to be the Hornet's cross town rival. They switched divisions starting this year. Anyway, the ride started and finished at the high school and roamed around Springtown. I signed up for the 40 mile ride. No, I hadn't ridden 40 miles in probably 8 years, but I did 30 with my dad this summer. No, I hadn't ridden my bike in 6 weeks, but what does that matter?!

I met a co-worker, Bill, and his daughter Mary Ellen there. They had decided to only do the 20 mile route for time purposes. She had a hair appointment and he had tickets to the TCU game (which is in its 2nd overtime as I type). I was still thinking 40. Twenty just didn't seem far enough.

As we lined up to start and listened to the pre-ride information, I changed my thinking. First, the two courses did not start out together so if I did 40 I wouldn't see them until the end. Then the nice lady giving the talk kept talking about hills. I DONT DO HILLS!!!! Perhaps another time I'll tell you about my hill experience. I hate them. I dread them. I tend to walk up them. AND the lady kept calling it a "Challenge 20" because it so wasn't flat. Ha. She wasn't kidding.

About 4.5 miles in, I'd lost Bill and Mary Ellen for the 2nd time (I told them to stop waiting for me!), walked up a hill and hurt in all kinds of ways. I stopped and texted Bill that I was turning around. When I got back on the bike, I decided that I was okay, and already halfway to the rest area (at 10 miles) and so I might as well go forward and then catch a ride back to the finish. Although there were still too many hills, and I was alone, convinced I was last (I was second to last I think), I made it to the rest area. It was actually at 11.5 miles and I figured I could do another 8.5 - how bad could it be?! HA. The course was actually 24.5 miles long. But, I DID IT!!! Hills and all :)

All that challenge was not for nothing, of course. These are the things I learned today...

1. I am not 25 anymore :( Going 6 weeks without riding or ANY exercise, is not a training program, for any sort of ride. Reality has sunk in.  I am aging. Whether I like it or not.
2. I am not a cyclist. Although I guess you could call it fun, I was not really enjoying myself. I would MUCH rather have been hiking. Those hills are fun :) Well, at least they don't scare me. I will continue to ride but as cross training and with friends and family. For fun.
3. I really need to find a sport drink to drink while exercising. Water isn't enough. I had a generic powerade like thing at the rest area. I still finished hot and thirsty. And I have a killer headache. Still. Six and a half hours later, a couple alive later.
4. Neighbor horses talk to each other. Pretty sure they were wondering why I was going so slow.

I do have one fun story from the morning....
As I was flying down a hill at about 5 miles to go, I let out a little "weeeee". Okay, it wasn't little. Immediately after, 2 guys go flying by me. I couldn't hear them laughing but I know they were!!! I kept my mouth shut after that. Mostly.

(PS TCU just lost. Bummer.)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Surfing Conundrum

Why can't there just be one way to do something, with one low price?!?!

Here's my dilemma...

I currently have a smartphone with internet, and no home internet. In theory, I connect my phone to my computer in order to surf on the web at home. In reality, I do that sometimes, and sometimes I "borrow" internet from a neighbor. I don't even know which one. I feel guilty about it and worry about the lack of security. But free is nice.

It's now time to get a new phone. My current phone has several major issues like not wanting to charge with most chargers, and the power button not always working. Then there's the fact that it thinks it's out of memory when it's not and so it doesn't do things like notify me when I have e-mail.

My current cell phone plan includes unlimited data which means I can surf the web on the phone, or tethered to the computer, as much as I want, anytime I want. In order to keep this plan, I need to buy a new phone outright - the cheapest of which is about $350. I then keep paying my $66 per month with unlimited data.

OR I go back to a basic phone with no data and get internet at home. Cost? Well, basic phone (cheapest price is $50 after rebate) is about $40 per month. Home internet is about $40-45 (taxes?) per month. So, I'd be paying at least $80 per month and only have internet at home.

BUT what if, while I'm saving for a new phone, there comes a deal for home internet (not sure of the likelihood - current deals are all for bundles which I don't want) and I could have a phone, with data, AND home internet for near $80?? As it is, I would be looking at about $105 I think.

ARRRRRRGGGGHHH!!!!!! Why can't I just have a phone, internet and pay like $5?!!?? Oh, yeah, I also now have a brand new computer (thanks dad!) that I'd really like to keep safe from internet hacks, and enjoy it's fastness with fast web surfing by having my own modem. I think the new phone would be an improvement in speed because it's 4G. Currently, my phone and the neighbor's internet is about the same speed.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The end of an era

I've been silent. Sorry. I still am not ready to write about George. But leave it to baseball to make me talk again.

Today marks the final day of the 2012 baseball season. The Houston Astros are, of course, not going to the playoffs. They did end up winning 53 games (maybe 54?). At the end, they actually looked pretty good. I almost believe in the "rebuilding" concept.

Alas, this end of season is different than any other. The Houston Astros are moving from the National League (NL) to the American League (AL) next season. I am quite bitter about this move as I don't like the AL. The big difference is that the AL has the Designated Hitter, or DH. The DH hits in place of the pitcher. As a friend's wife said many years ago "so he doesn't have to do the whole job?" or something like that. Yes, AL pitchers pitch every 5 days or so, and that's it. They don't attempt to hit the ball unless they're unlucky enough to pitch in a game versus an NL team. Something about not hurting their pitching arm... WHATEVER!!

Anyway, I will always be an Astros fan and will follow and watch when I can. Not sure how often I'll get to Houston (not that I've been in years anyway). BUT, I need an NL team to follow... I'm thinking Padres or Dodgers. The Astros kinda fell into my heart, so I guess I'll just wait and see what happens.

Today, the end of the regular season, is always bittersweet. At least they won't lose for another few months! But, I miss baseball once it's all over. And now, I feel like it's all in flux. The Astros are changing their colors, logo, etc. The new owner even contemplated changing the name, but apparently enough fans complained over that idea to make it not happen.

Not sure where I'm going with this. Just felt the need to say something. Maybe the Astros will win it all so often in the AL that they'll move them back!! or something...