Wednesday, July 23, 2014

40 4 40 #2 Paddle Boarding

To celebrate turning 40 in March, I've decided to do 40 new things between now and then. Why 8 months before? Well, I'll get busy once school starts, and because of #1 & 2...

One of the popular summer activities here in Big Bear is paddle boarding. I've watched from afar. Looked interesting. But I don't like water. Then a cousin said it was her new favorite thing. Then I got into the figuring out 40 new things thing. And well then I was reminded that my sister-in-law was a regular on the board. And so, today, I paddle boarded!

Monday evening, Dad and I had dinner with Dave and Loni (big bro and s-i-l) so I chatted with Loni about it. She had plans to go today with her good friend Priscilla, and said I should totally join them!! I asked her all my questions... Do I have to be able to kneel (not something I've done since pre-surgery)? What do I wear? How much time do I spend in the water? Is it hard?!

Okay, yes, you do have to kneel. But I did it!! I'm almost as excited about that as I am about the actual paddle boarding. I wore shorts and a sports tank. I did not go in the water at all!!! It was not hard. Challenging, yes. A workout, yes. But not really hard.

And SO MUCH FUN!!!!! I was offered a demo by the guy in charge but I just watched Loni and Priscilla do it first and I was fine. Basically you get on it while you're standing at the edge of the water, maybe calf deep. This was the hardest part for me because I was so unsure of my kneeling ability. Especially on the fairly hard board. But I did it and it didn't even hurt!! Just felt weird cuz it'd been so long. So we paddled out a little ways while on our knees. Then they started standing up, so I did too :) It took me two tries cuz the board was drifting too far away from where I wanted to be. The hardest part is that last part getting upright, with the paddle in your hands. Once up though, it's actually a little easier, I thought. It is definitely a full body workout. Balancing with legs and core and paddling with arms.

We got out of the bay/inlet into the actual lake, where the wind picked up. We all sat down :) We paddled around while sitting for a good while. We raced to a buoy. I came in a close second behind Priscilla. The wind tried really hard to take us where we didn't want to go. Priscilla stood up again. And fell in. Loni tried too and fell backward on to the board. I didn't try :) Oh, and there were ducks that watched and swam with us. So cute! So fun!!!

After 45 minutes or so, we paddled back into the inlet where we all stood back up. It's called stand up paddle boarding, so it seemed right to stand up to get back in to the beach! We all stood up paddling right to the beach.

It was an amazing fun time while getting exercise. I will definitely do it again!! I didn't get any pics of me on the board cuz well, water.

the beach where we went in and out
the three of us. Priscilla's in front.

Tomorrow Dad and I will finish the fence, which will be #3 :)

1 comment:

  1. You have made me want to try paddle boarding now! And, I have an item for your list…want to do Dare Me For Charity and jump off a high building on August 16? I can tell you more about it when you get back (it’s a fundraiser for my school!)
