Monday, July 21, 2014


I mentioned this in an earlier post, but I want to take a moment and herald the wonders of good friendship!

How does one know that another person is a good friend? One shows up after a year and it seems that no time has passed at all. Saturday, I drove down to Fontana CA to spend some time with my very good friend Port (I'm the only one who calls her that I think). No fancy plans, but yet a good time was had!

What did we do? We went out to dinner. We watched some TV and chatted. And chatted. Until we were both falling asleep :) Then on Sunday, we had breakfast (geeky husband included) and went shopping. Seems normal? Yeah, neither of us is really a shopper. But yet, somehow yesterday, that's what we did. Marveling the whole way on the fact that we were shopping, successfully, and having fun doing it! After we were shopped out and had each found what we were looking for, without too much extra purchased, we went back to the house to work on a puzzle and watch a movie. I finally left about dinnertime because I just missed my pooch too much and if I stayed any longer, I'd stay until the puzzle was done, and I didn't have that in me!

Such a "simple" weekend, but oh what fun!! Sorry no pics. (update: stole one of the finished puzzle from Port's FB) We were having too much fun catching up :) Oh. And we have plans for me to go back again before I leave CA. So I can help her with the 2000 piece puzzle she purchased on our shopping spree!

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