Thursday, July 10, 2014

The mini-road trip within the mega-road trip...

Since I had so much time planned in the Golden State, I thought I should take some of that time and drive up to Northern California, where I went to college, and see some buds. Some of whom I hadn't seen in eons. Okay, at least a decade. It also worked out to see my SoCal friend Karie on the way.

Here's the rundown...

Sunday morning I left dad's and drove a couple hours to Temecula to visit Karie and her family. Karie is the very special friend who helped me move from CA to DE way back in the day. We both have very fond memories of that trip and always rehash one or two (we seriously ate Subway the entire way) every time we get together. Five years ago Karie married Ben and I love him almost as much as I love Karie! Such a great match!! They now have 3 year old Thomas to round out their family. We spent Sunday basically sitting around and talking. Catching up. The day FLEW by!! Considering I only see them once a year, I'm pretty sure a stranger would never know it if they were to enter our conversations! Love that!! We had a GREAT dinner at SoupPlantation. I'd actually never been to one but know it's on the vegan's easy places to eat list. Need to find where there's one in TX!! Unfortunately, Karie and Ben had to go to work on Monday (way early) so we sad groggy goodbyes and they were off. It did mean that I got to spend a couple minutes with Karie's mom though so that was nice. She comes to get Thomas to go to the preschool where she works. After they left, I leisurely got ready to go, since I needed to leave later to avoid traffic. Mission accomplished! It is NEVER a long enough visit with the Lords!!

From Temecula I drove to Stockton, CA, home of my alma mater, University of the Pacific. Oddly enough, my good friend from Delaware is now a professor there. Jeff's house was my first stop. But first, I had to get there. I chose to go all the way up I5 because it'd be a little closer and faster. It was SOOOO boring!!! I did talk to dad on the radio though so that was fun. That was before the road got boring though. Seriously, we're talking an off ramp every 30-40 miles. And nothing but crops and cattle between, if you're lucky. Oh, and signs blaming congress for, and asking for my help with the water crisis. They're in a drought too. Also, on the drive, I ended up waiting too long and paid $4.32 per gallon for gas!! Yup, this is California!! Anyway, I finally got to Stockton. It was hot. Jeff and I had a nice dinner after I gave him a hard time about his very bachelor pad-y house. After dinner, we drop around UOP a little. It's really a walking campus now. And it has many more buildings than when I was there 20 years ago!! But some of it was just the same. Brought back some very good memories.

Tuesday afternoon I got to have lunch with one of my college roommates, Ponnie. I am pretty sure I haven't seen her since 1997. So sad!! We mostly picked right back up though our lives have definitely changed! She ended up marrying the guy she started dating when we were roommates. They have 3 beautiful children but sadly, Rob was killed in a car accident 3 years ago. Ponnie seems to be doing well and I am so glad I was able to spend a little time with her. It wasn't much because she was called away with a work emergency. We promised more than an hour in the next 20 years!!

I killed a little time in Stockton by going to Target. I needed to get my monthly prescriptions. They weren't able to give me more than one month in TX but it's very easy to "transfer" them to any Target and the folks were very helpful. This whole being gone for 6 weeks thing is fun but really takes some logistical planning (since BB doesn't have a Target especially!).

I left Stockton and headed south about 30 minutes to Modesto. My freshman roommate Christy grew up there and still lives there with her two kids. Just like with Karie, it was like we just saw each last week! Of course, it'd been about a decade. Neither of us could remember when it was but quite possibly before her now 8 year old was born. SAD!! Through Facebook, I felt like I knew the kids though! Christy and I saw a movie and had dinner with lots of chatting and catching up thrown in (not during the movie of course).

I was supposed to have seen my friend Jenny when I was at Karie's. Jenny and I were in accounting classes together and hit it off incredibly. She's how I met Karie actually! Jenny didn't end up making the drive down though because they abruptly sold their house (5 days from market to escrow!!) and are now in the midst of packing and putting most of it in storage until the new house is ready. So I left Christy and went a little further south for a quick coffee with Jenny and her 8 year old daughter Carly. I had seen Jenny at Karie's wedding so only 5 years ago! Seems like nothing!! It was great to catch up in person and see Carly's beauty in person. I was anxious to start the long drive, and she had a house to pack, so we didn't spend long, but it was quality time :)

I drove home on Hwy 99. It basically parallels I5 but has a whole lot more going on!! I think the longest stretch was about 10 miles between off ramps. It is the route I drove home through college so it was very familiar. It went by much faster!! I tried to pick up folks on the radio using simplex but no one ever answered me. Oh well!!
The route(s). Big Bear is under the Temecula arrow more or less.

It was a whirlwind trip with a lot of driving but I am SO glad I went!! I have some of the most amazing friends and seeing them in person just warms a girl's heart, you know?!

Now I get some downtime in Big Bear before getting to work radio at my first race!! Luckily it's a small race so it'll be a good place to learn lots!!

A little over a week into my trip and so far, having fun, totally relaxed, and looking forward to the rest!!

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