Saturday, July 12, 2014

Video Experiment

I took this video of Slugger playing with Cuz'n Tuck in Dad's front yard. Thought I'd see if I could figure out how to share, while also using the iPad app for the first time!

Couldn't do it from the iPad. Have attempted from the computer. Please let me know if you can view it! When I look at it, it seems the picture is bigger than the space in the blog. Hmmm.... And it cuts out the middle when they're at their cutest... ARGH!

Okay, I made it smaller but it's still not very good quality :(


  1. The video is bigger than the space and it looks choppy, but I could see it! Looks like Slugger is having fun with his cousin!

  2. Yeah, that's about what I see too. I'll have to play with it. And, yes, he is having a great time!! They play almost non-stop now. When they're not napping, of course!
