Monday, July 21, 2014

My First Radio Event!

Before I left to see Port, there was a major life event! Okay, in my life, it was major :) To others, it probably seems trivial. But this is MY life I'm writing about!!

Bright and early, Dad and I set off, a few minutes apart, to the Inaugural Fawnskin Ride n Tie event. Making this event even more extra special is that my big brother was the race director! It was a very small race which was perfect for my first time :) I suppose I should explain the ride... A ride and tie is historically a horse riding event, involving a team of two people and a horse. One person starts on the horse, the other starts on foot. At some point, the horse rider hops off, ties up the horse, and continues on foot. The runner gets to the horse, hops on and continues riding. The team leap frogs this way throughout the course. Our event was the same concept but with a mountain bike instead of a horse. We had four teams. Small but intimate. And they all had a great time so I'm sure the event will grow exponentially for next year.

Dad and I were working radio. After a week of planning who'd work where, my suggestion that I do the checkpoint that was only reachable by foot (or bike I suppose) and lots of changes, we all set out to our assignments. I indeed got to work Checkpoint 2. My partner had access to the fire road though so we drove instead of walking. Which was good because we sat in the jeep while it rained :) We got out when the first rider went through the checkpoint before ours. Although our name was CP2, we were really the 3rd of 4 checkpoints. The one before us had a name, Hanna. It happened to be manned by Dad!

I got to call in our first rider. And the information that he provided about his teammate that should've been to us first. Turns out the rider passed him without realizing it! But it made for a little excitement for about 5 minutes. It was also good practice for all the radio folks on what to do with this sort of situation.

All 8 rider/runners came through CP2 and we left. We made it back to the finish line (Race Command) before the teams finished so I got to do my other favorite race thing - cheer them on!

This coming weekend is another event up here in Big Bear. A mountain bike GranFondo. It looks like dad and I get to ride SAG. Meaning we'll be in two different vehicles that roam the course helping riders with bike and medical issues and such. Should be lots of good radio fun!!

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