Friday, October 27, 2023


Well, I'm better. Still extra snot hanging around. Heart broken though. Should be my boys not the stupid Rangers in the World Series. Oh well. It was one of those years and really we were lucky to get as far as we did. Still my boys!

Dad came for dinner tonight. Stir fry. It was pretty good and he went home with two tubs of leftovers. I spent the evening and still not done changing my credit card number with everyone who uses it for auto pay - spectrum and such. I purchased from what, in the end, was a questionable online company many months ago and they keep trying to charge me an annual fee or such. I thought I'd gotten it taken care of with the company but apparently not cuz there was just another charge. So I just canceled the card. It's a pain. But the nice thing is that Capital One has already issued a new "virtual card" so I know the new number before I get the actual card next week. Lesson - no online shopping from random companies that advertise on Instagram!

Ran a couple times during the week. Had my first heel pain. I *think* it has to do with having been on my feet all day at school first. Tried stretching throughout the day on Wednesday and the run was better than Monday's but not painfree. We'll see how I feel tomorrow when the run is the first thing I do. 

Very much looking forward to sleeping late tomorrow. Luckily it's cooling off so I don't have to run as early to not die of heat!


Friday, October 20, 2023

Almost OK

Healthwise, almost OK. Baseball? Doing well!! 

Had a decent day at school. I finally don't feel like trash. Throat is okay unless I talk a lot or have to raise my voice too much. Which I didn't too very much. Still very little energy though. Oh well, two whole days to sleep :) Though I'm hoping to go for a run tomorrow. Or at least exercise. And give Slugger a good walk!

Back and forth, aggravating baseball. Benches cleared. Altuve hits a go-ahead HR top of the 9th. Pressley had a 2 inning "save"/win. It was amazing! Lead the series 3-2 and going home. Gotsta win one at home... People need to stop comparing it to 2019 WS. Please no. 

Gonna finish my book toboight. I've had to restrict myself to one chapter each night the last couple nights cuz of early alarms. Not tonight! But really, I don't have but about 40-50 pages left. Kinda sad to be saying goodbye to these characters and worlds. Guess that's what makes a good book!

Goodnight Blog!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Less Sick

I might even say better. Made it through the whole day at school. I think even a few students learned how to solve a quadratic equation with imaginary numbers. 

Although the throat is better, unfortunately the yuck has moved into the medal area. I sneeze a lot, which makes the throat hurt again. And scares the dog. He was just lying with me on the couch and I sneezed. Now he's on the floor. Which I guess is an improvement cuz he used to go outside. For a dog who is so protective, you'd think he'd get closer, trying to make me better. I think he doesn't understand why I'm making such violent noises and movement. My sneezes are generally not gentle!

Anyway, students were generally respectful of my need to speak low and not much. I think they were glad to have me back after they were supposed to learn on their own for three days. Which is exactly why I went to school today. Well, that and I've already used half my sick days! And it hasn't snowed yet!! But I'm gonna man up this winter and go to work even when the roads are gross. If I wreck the truck, can I sue them for making us go to school?

Know what I miss? Running. I had JUST started again!! Ugh. Hopefully Saturday I'll feel well enough to venture out. 

Back to watching baseball. We're winning :)

Wednesday, October 18, 2023


 I say this all the time but I really should write more. Not that I have a lot to write about or that anyone reads this. But still. It'd be good for me. 

I'm sitting here watching my Astros play in the ALCS again. For the 7th year in a row. Honestly, I didn't know if we'd get this far. But here we are. Playing against the Rangers. I really don't like them. 

I've been home sick all week. Last week was Fall Break and ended with the Kodiak Ultramarathons. I'm blaming lack of sleep and being outside in 28* at the start of the 100 mile and the 100k. It's been a while since I've really been sick, other than Covid last Christmas. And boy was I sick! A horrid sore throat and just a general need to sleep. I happened to have a doctor's appointment today but would have taken today too. So 3 days off sick - that's a LOT for me! I finally feel better after a long day (not really but felt like it) down the hill where it was 95+*!! I sweated the sick out :) I am still not good but I'll go back to work tomorrow. Only have to get through 2 days, right?!

On another note, I am reading a great trilogy by Nora Roberts. Dragon something. I'm almost done with book 3. I haven't hardly done anything but read, even before I was sick. Like all day for days! It feels good. It's been a long time. I'm not even sure the books are any good, but they're exactly what I needed right now. I've been in a slump. Haven't found anything that caught my attention. Or that I liked. Until this. Already thinking about what to read next cuz it needs to be something very different! Like a non-fiction. I think this one will stick with me for a bit. 

Okay, the boys are still winning. I need to continue getting ready for bed. Cuz I should be IN bed already. Hopefully I'll sleep well.