Friday, October 20, 2023

Almost OK

Healthwise, almost OK. Baseball? Doing well!! 

Had a decent day at school. I finally don't feel like trash. Throat is okay unless I talk a lot or have to raise my voice too much. Which I didn't too very much. Still very little energy though. Oh well, two whole days to sleep :) Though I'm hoping to go for a run tomorrow. Or at least exercise. And give Slugger a good walk!

Back and forth, aggravating baseball. Benches cleared. Altuve hits a go-ahead HR top of the 9th. Pressley had a 2 inning "save"/win. It was amazing! Lead the series 3-2 and going home. Gotsta win one at home... People need to stop comparing it to 2019 WS. Please no. 

Gonna finish my book toboight. I've had to restrict myself to one chapter each night the last couple nights cuz of early alarms. Not tonight! But really, I don't have but about 40-50 pages left. Kinda sad to be saying goodbye to these characters and worlds. Guess that's what makes a good book!

Goodnight Blog!

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