Thursday, October 19, 2023

Less Sick

I might even say better. Made it through the whole day at school. I think even a few students learned how to solve a quadratic equation with imaginary numbers. 

Although the throat is better, unfortunately the yuck has moved into the medal area. I sneeze a lot, which makes the throat hurt again. And scares the dog. He was just lying with me on the couch and I sneezed. Now he's on the floor. Which I guess is an improvement cuz he used to go outside. For a dog who is so protective, you'd think he'd get closer, trying to make me better. I think he doesn't understand why I'm making such violent noises and movement. My sneezes are generally not gentle!

Anyway, students were generally respectful of my need to speak low and not much. I think they were glad to have me back after they were supposed to learn on their own for three days. Which is exactly why I went to school today. Well, that and I've already used half my sick days! And it hasn't snowed yet!! But I'm gonna man up this winter and go to work even when the roads are gross. If I wreck the truck, can I sue them for making us go to school?

Know what I miss? Running. I had JUST started again!! Ugh. Hopefully Saturday I'll feel well enough to venture out. 

Back to watching baseball. We're winning :)

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