Friday, October 27, 2023


Well, I'm better. Still extra snot hanging around. Heart broken though. Should be my boys not the stupid Rangers in the World Series. Oh well. It was one of those years and really we were lucky to get as far as we did. Still my boys!

Dad came for dinner tonight. Stir fry. It was pretty good and he went home with two tubs of leftovers. I spent the evening and still not done changing my credit card number with everyone who uses it for auto pay - spectrum and such. I purchased from what, in the end, was a questionable online company many months ago and they keep trying to charge me an annual fee or such. I thought I'd gotten it taken care of with the company but apparently not cuz there was just another charge. So I just canceled the card. It's a pain. But the nice thing is that Capital One has already issued a new "virtual card" so I know the new number before I get the actual card next week. Lesson - no online shopping from random companies that advertise on Instagram!

Ran a couple times during the week. Had my first heel pain. I *think* it has to do with having been on my feet all day at school first. Tried stretching throughout the day on Wednesday and the run was better than Monday's but not painfree. We'll see how I feel tomorrow when the run is the first thing I do. 

Very much looking forward to sleeping late tomorrow. Luckily it's cooling off so I don't have to run as early to not die of heat!


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