Sunday, December 24, 2023

Christmas Break Week 1

 It's been a good week. A lot of nothing but yet some productivity too. Nothing crossed off the list yet, except an oil change, but I've started the bigger projects - backsplash and baby blanket. I crossed some stuff off cuz it was supposed to snow but it didn't so maybe I'll get to the new lot too.

Ran a lot of errands. DTH on Monday to get the oil change, see the gyro, and get my brows waxed. 

Tuesday, Dad and Slugger and I drove to Palm Springs for lunch at Billy Reeds. So yummy! Before lunch, we had a walk at Ruth Hardy Park. So many memories. After lunch, we drove over to the wash where the PS50 was held way back when. Hasn't changed much. A few new condos but the actual path was the same. 
(There were more pics but Blogger is being weird and I gave up)

Wednesdays run was excellent until my knee started hurting about halfway. Stopped after a few minutes. Then the other knee hurt the rest of the day. Of course. Thursday involved a visit to the chiropractor and a dental cleaning. I ran again on Saturday and the knee isn't great but it's survivable. Doesn't hurt while I run, so that's good! Chiro thinks maybe a Bakers cyst. That sounds like too much trouble. I think my knee cap is off track again. Should probably go see Shiatsu Tom. We'll see. I'm stretching a lot, etc. 

Now I"m baking bread that will be garlic bread and later i'll make a pumpkin pie. Doesn't really go with lasagna but I don't care :)

Here's to week 2! Still without snow!!

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