Sunday, December 17, 2023

Sick again?!

 I don't really feel sick, per se. But I have a cough which makes it hard to breathe at times. I went for a run today anyway. Didn't cough the whole time but the uphills were more difficult that usual. The legs and everything else felt good so yay! I really want to start building some miles but I feel like everything just keeps getting in the way. This week we're supposed to get our first real storm. So I have to figure out how to get miles in, not on trails. Probably. Oh well. 

Getting a new tattoo on Thursday. Sadly not Astros related. But much desired. The methodist cross and flame. It means so much to me. About time it was on my body. Especially since it might be a relic soon. 

It's Christmas Break, btw. Three weeks to get stuff done, and sit around a lot. Yay! 

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