Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Worse things to be addicted to...

I think I'm hooked on free stuff. I now daily check several sites that give coupons or free samples or whathaveyou. It couple be worse, I guess. I mean, it is all free...

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lenten Challenge

A friend of mine on FB (former church camp director when I was a counselor) has been posting a daily Lenten challenge which she (or someone) created for her congregation. Most of them I've found pretty easy (tell someone you love them, do something nice for someone, etc.). Today's is spend time reflecting through writing. Blogging was one of the suggestions. So... here i am!!!

Hmmm... reflection... well, today I went out on a limb and shared an idea I had with my principal. She asked me to follow through on it and it'll likely happen. Thing is, I'm doing way more than what my initial idea entailed and she expects. And I'm enjoying it. I truly want what's best for the students. It's not about impressing her or getting my passing rate up (the project is TAKS related). And most would say, eh, it's too much work. But it's not really. And it will show the rest of the school that MATH teachers care!! So, it's not all about the students I guess. Oh well.

Anyway, the reflection is that I really, truly love my job. I'm doing this project happily and enthusiastically on a day when I was ready to throw things and just didn't feel like teaching. But that I'm still passionate about it all is what matters. We all have "those" days!!

Reflection over. Did I even really reflect?

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Oh the dollars...

They just go. Somewhere. Question of the day... how does one get through life without spending money.  While having a life. I could not go anywhere and not do anything, but that's no fun!!! And really not healthy.
Answer: for me, it means separating needs and wants. Learning to be frugal. And admitting that I CAMT do or have all my wants.

But golly its hard!!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Step back...

Today is one of those days that reminds me why I like being lazy. Or really why I spent so much time previously doing nothing, I should say.

For some reason, it was a tiring day on the job. I had planned to come home and work in the yard. I thought I didst have to tutor. Tutoring was supposed to happen, I learned when I asked, in person, at 2pm. By then I'd told most that there was none. Anyway, one student wanted to fix her test, which she cant but she'd already missed the bus to stay and signed up for the late bus. So I said, sure sit here and do something, at least I'll get paid. She and her boyfriend and his best friend (also my student) stayed and just chatted so at 4 I said go away and I left.

So I came home. And am exhausted and hungry and working the yard just isn't gonna happen. But then I felt guilty for not actually tutoring and leaving early!!

I'm so tired it'll be an early night. I didn't even teach today!!! They took tests and I sat.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Garden Step 1

Actually not even the garden yet...

I started preparing to seed the two parts of land off the sidewalk to the patio. I worked about 15-20 minutes and that was enough!! It's not nearly as easy as I was thinking. I got one side tilled and somewhat cleared.

Little steps...

Sunday, April 10, 2011


One of the things I use Twitter for is to follow live tweets from bike races (think lance Armstrong). Since they're all in Europe basically, I often am reading after they're over. But thats ok. Still fun.

This morning I caught P-R (for short) while it was still happening. This is a huge one day event with lots of cobblestone roads which is its big challenge, as opposed to hills, etc. There are lots of crashes and can be a fun ride (unless you crash I guess!). Anyway, I also got to watch the last bit on voicestream video, in English!

You know its a good race when I'm yelling at the screen...

It's common for several guys to go out in what's called a breakaway and in some races that happens several times a day. But usually in the end those guys get caught and a "big name" takes the lead in the last few miles. And it always kinda irks me even when its a rider I like. Cuz those other poor saps worked really hard all day to stay out front and then the big name uses his team riders ti get him close and then he just uses full force the last little way. Or sometimes there are several who do that and it all comes down to a Sprint at the end. Remember we're talking 100+ miles. This is basically how it works. Often the guys out front all day are going for Sprint points or something and not the win but still.

Anyway, today the guy who was leading the break most of the day, WON!!! He worked his booty off and they did almost catch him. It was his first major win. Know what he did when he was done? Proposed to his girlfriend!!!

I might have a new fave rider to add to my list: VanSummeren.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Baking Revelation

I vaguely remember various family members complaining or lamenting about baking and how long it took, or something. How hard it was?

I just put a spice cake into my new bundt pan (yay garage sales!!). Spent maybe 10 minutes mixing stuff. Now it'll bake while I do something else. Not too tough.

The only thing I can think of to complain about is that it's already hot and then I had to turn on the oven... but so?! The cake will be yummy and that's worth a little sweat!!

Also, I suppose, if I were baking and cooking every day for a family of 12, I'd probably find other things to lament.

Good thing it's just me and G!!! (and the ladies who might get some at book club tonight)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cake in a Mug!?!

A very good friend last week mentioned the "Coffee Mug Cake". Tonight, I needed some chocolate, but had no chocolate chips - my go-to dessert. So, I got online and found the recipe for the cake in a mug. I used water instead of milk, and, of course, powdered fake egg. I also had no vanilla. The recipe said that chocolate chips were optional. But if I'd had them, I wouldn't have needed the cake, now would I?!

Result? Not half bad. Killed my craving. Was quick and easy. Very much not good for you! I'd actually like to try it with the chips, and vanilla, and (soy) milk.

Thanks, L. for reminding me the recipe was out there!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Have I Totally Lost It??

Since I keep dwelling on the "new" me, let me humor you further!

Monday evening I needed to take the trash to the curb, and had some room in the trash bag, so checked the fridge and freezer for any leftovers, etc. that needed to go. Easy enough...

I can't even remember what happened to get me to the next stage!! Next thing I know I've taken the bottom drawer thing out of the freezer that has had melted fruit juice-y stuff all in it forEVER!! It goes in the sink to soak. I let it soak overnight and last night I cleaned it all up and put it back in the freezer. Which REALLY needs a good cleaning...

I have it on my to-do list for this weekend, but I'm sitting here thinking "well, I'm not doing anything else productive, maybe I should do the freezer"...


Luckily, dinner's almost ready so by the time I eat, the urge should be long gone. Maybe.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Another thought

This weekend as I ran lots of errands and did this and that around he house, I also built in some downtime for me and G to just sit and be. But at those times I was still thinking I shouldering be doing something. And I got to thinking...

I spent the last two years basically unemployed. I couldn't get a job. I was going deeper into debt. I was depressed. I had no purpose. All that fun stuff.

Anyway, I realized that I'm not depressed anymore. Really and truly for the first time in a while. and I'm thinking this simple fact is helping the whole not being lazy thing.

Moral of the story is: I feel alive and happy :) So I think I'll go to bed! (I didn't say I was cured of needing sleep!!)

Sunday, April 3, 2011


I am currently obsessed with Francesca Battistelli. Her new album rocks!!! I don't generally prefer female voices but her lyrics are amazing.

This morning as I make banana bread I'm jamming. And thus is my thought...
Her song Constant is an instant favorite.
"You're my constant in every moment
You've never failed me
All my life
You have never left my side
You are my constant."
SO true and so amazing!!! I was thinking yesterday how even when I didn't go to church, prayed irregularly and only selfishly, His was still right there loving me. I was what I'd call distant when I had cancer removed. But I'm all good and experienced one of lifes biggest blessings that day!!! The idea of it all - the constant blessings no matter our current position in the church, so to speak - overwhelms me and makes me want to spend my life in praise and thanksgiving!!!

If I knew how to post the song here, I would.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

New Me?

About a month ago, at a Spiritual Retreat, I was asked to declutter my mind and life. I can't remember the exact prompt but we were to write down something that we could give up to aid in the decluttering. I wrote down "laziness". Although the rest of the event was unspectacular, that one part stuck with me and I took it to heart.

I am, by nature, lazy. Or I thought I was. I'd much rather watch TV or read than clean or exert energy, unless it's exercise like hiking. If I can avoid walking into another room to put something away, I will. Well, previously I would!

Somewhere in writing down the word, or maybe it was in the sharing of it with my neighbor at the table, I changed my attitude. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a good lazy afternoon, or day, or whole weekend! But...

I started with the dishes. I HATE doing the dishes. I let them pile up until I run out of something (knives, for example) and then two days later finally get the dishwasher full and running, and still have a pile in the sink that didn't fit. It was a horrible, embarrassing cycle that I don't believe I've ever admitted before!! BUT!! No more!!! My dad would always give me a hard time. He uses about three dishes a day and washes them by hand after dinner and that's it. I have finally gotten ahead of the cycle and have now, for TWO weeks, washed my dishes every night before heading to bed. Know what? It doesn't take long when there's a pot, some cutlery, and a plate!! I do still use the dishwasher though. But when I run it, I don't leave the clean dishes in it for a week!! When they're dry, they come out :)

So, now that my kitchen is basically perpetually clean, instead of the opposite, I have found that messiness in other rooms is starting to bother me...

Am I becoming a neat freak?!?!?!! I doubt it. But I REALLY like my new attitude!!