Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Have I Totally Lost It??

Since I keep dwelling on the "new" me, let me humor you further!

Monday evening I needed to take the trash to the curb, and had some room in the trash bag, so checked the fridge and freezer for any leftovers, etc. that needed to go. Easy enough...

I can't even remember what happened to get me to the next stage!! Next thing I know I've taken the bottom drawer thing out of the freezer that has had melted fruit juice-y stuff all in it forEVER!! It goes in the sink to soak. I let it soak overnight and last night I cleaned it all up and put it back in the freezer. Which REALLY needs a good cleaning...

I have it on my to-do list for this weekend, but I'm sitting here thinking "well, I'm not doing anything else productive, maybe I should do the freezer"...


Luckily, dinner's almost ready so by the time I eat, the urge should be long gone. Maybe.

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