Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cake in a Mug!?!

A very good friend last week mentioned the "Coffee Mug Cake". Tonight, I needed some chocolate, but had no chocolate chips - my go-to dessert. So, I got online and found the recipe for the cake in a mug. I used water instead of milk, and, of course, powdered fake egg. I also had no vanilla. The recipe said that chocolate chips were optional. But if I'd had them, I wouldn't have needed the cake, now would I?!

Result? Not half bad. Killed my craving. Was quick and easy. Very much not good for you! I'd actually like to try it with the chips, and vanilla, and (soy) milk.

Thanks, L. for reminding me the recipe was out there!!


  1. As I was reading this I was thinking "hey--I just read about this" and then got to the bottom and realized I was the one that had told you about it...oh my....I think I may need more sleep! =)

    Glad it was good...I have yet to try it!

  2. I've had moments/days like that!!!
