Monday, April 18, 2011

Lenten Challenge

A friend of mine on FB (former church camp director when I was a counselor) has been posting a daily Lenten challenge which she (or someone) created for her congregation. Most of them I've found pretty easy (tell someone you love them, do something nice for someone, etc.). Today's is spend time reflecting through writing. Blogging was one of the suggestions. So... here i am!!!

Hmmm... reflection... well, today I went out on a limb and shared an idea I had with my principal. She asked me to follow through on it and it'll likely happen. Thing is, I'm doing way more than what my initial idea entailed and she expects. And I'm enjoying it. I truly want what's best for the students. It's not about impressing her or getting my passing rate up (the project is TAKS related). And most would say, eh, it's too much work. But it's not really. And it will show the rest of the school that MATH teachers care!! So, it's not all about the students I guess. Oh well.

Anyway, the reflection is that I really, truly love my job. I'm doing this project happily and enthusiastically on a day when I was ready to throw things and just didn't feel like teaching. But that I'm still passionate about it all is what matters. We all have "those" days!!

Reflection over. Did I even really reflect?

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