Friday, October 31, 2014

40 4 40 #10 Pumpkin Painting

This a series of blogs chronicling my attempt at 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can find all the endeavors under the label 40 4 40.

It's Fall. Halloween season. I am not a big Halloween fan. I remember a few costumes I had growing up - Gumby in elementary school, Santa (in a santa tee and jeans) in high school. The only reason I really remember Halloween in high school is because the Rancho Cucamonga youth group always had a Halloween dance. That, and trick or treating in the Village in VERY cold weather. I also have excellent childhood memories of trick-or-treating at Liberace's house, and in his neighborhood.

I remember carving a pumpkin when I lived in Falls Church in 2000 or so. I'm sure we did it growing up. But none of them stick out. Maybe we didn't!!

This year, the faculty social committee sponsored a pumpkin carving/painting contest, and gave us the pumpkins to do it. I thought, heck, why not!?! I was going to carve an algebra equation in it or something but on Sunday when it came time to actually do something with the pumpkin, I wimped out.

Also, since I am almost positive I have never painted a pumpkin before, I decided to go for it. It is NOT an easy task!! Pumpkins are rough, and have curves and stuff. But I did it!! And I also don't believe I've ever entered a contest for a pumpkin. I am calling all this one new thing though. Here's my pumpkin...

I called it "Math in Bloom" :) I told my students I'd entered. When they asked which one was mine, my response was, "Oh, you'll know"!

I lost.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Figured out the UGH

I should be blogging about 40 4 40 #10 which I did several days ago now. But I keep forgetting and now I'd rather write about something else. I'll get that one done eventually. Maybe even right after this one!

For most of the school year, I've felt very blah. There were a couple weeks when I had NO energy and its like my psyche just hasn't bounced back. I'm just not happy, for no reason. I keep trying to figure it out. I think I did this morning. Or at least some of it.

This is my 5th year at AHS. This is longer than I've ever held any one job, unless you count being a student. I spent 6 years at WTS but not all in the same capacity. And I spent the last year there trying to leave (looking for a job elsewhere)!

I'm antsy. The voice in my ear is telling me it's time to move on. I don't really WANT to move on though. I like my job. I like my school. I like Azle (I don't live there so it probably helps!). I like my commute. I can survive on my salary. It's not the perfect job. There is no such thing. Some parts of teaching at AHS would be different and maybe even better if I went somewhere else. But I would miss a lot of things too.

I wonder if my horrible homesickness since returning from CA has been partly due to this. Of course, I'd LOVE to move back to CA. But it's too expensive. It costs more to live, but teachers don't get paid more. And what if teaching is hugely different there (pretty sure they're doing common core which sucks)?

There's not much else I can change to keep my antsiness at bay. I don't want to sell my house. I don't think dying my hair would be enough.

Maybe I just need to get through the antsy stage and then my psyche will be happy whatever happens.  If you're the praying type, I'd appreciate your words to the Lord about this. Thanks.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

40 4 40 #9 Reading Bones

This is the latest in a series about the 40 new things I am trying before I turn 40. My birthday is in March which means I need to do about 5 things per month... You can check out all of the posts related to this endeavor through the label 40 4 40.

Number 9 is a bit different than the first 8 but not from some of the rest I have planned...

One of my favorite TV shows is Bones. It is a crime drama about a forensic anthropologist and her FBI partner. They study remains that are all or mostly bones and determine who, how, why, etc. It's excellent!! Good writing, good acting, good premise. The show is based off of a series of novels written by Kathy Reichs.

Usually, if I've read the book, I don't see the movie. If I've seen the movie, I don't want to read the book. This would also apply to a TV show, though I'm not sure how often books become TV or vice versa. Or at least its not advertised as such.

In addition, although I love crime shows, it's not really my kind of book. I enjoy reading romances and such. Feel good books. This is partly because I do most of my reading before bed and it's always good to go to sleep happy, not scared or tense!!

Sooo... I read the very first book written by Reichs about the forensic anthropologist. A few chapters in, I finally convinced myself it was just a book, not a book about my favorite TV characters, because it was just TOO different in that area. From personality to life style, etc. The book was well written though, kept me interested, and had a happy ending (except of course for the dead people and bad guy). But it was way too intense and graphic for night time reading. I skimmed a lot of the jargon and specifics of the crime scenes and such.

If I liked this kind of novel, I would definitely read more of them. And I highly recommend Kathy Reichs if you do read crime novels.

And now I will go watch the latest episode of Bones. Yay, bones and Bones.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

40 4 40 #8 HS Football Coach

This is the latest in a series about the 40 new things I am trying before I turn 40. My birthday is in March which means I need to do about 5 things per month... You can check out all of the posts related to this endeavor through the label 40 4 40.

Ever heard that saying "it never hurts to ask"?? Well...

I had a crazy idea that it'd be fun to call plays or something at a football game. A Texas High School Football Game. If you aren't aware, football is a big deal in Texas. So several weeks ago, I was chatting with one of our coaches about getting one of his players to pass my class, and I mentioned this crazy idea. He said "Sure, come on out!" Tonight was the night!!!

Now, I had no idea what I was really going to do, and I was quite nervous. High school football is no joke!! We determined that a home JV game would be best. I picked the earlier of the two games, of course. (side note: my school has 5 football teams) He came to see me at lunch today and put my nerves to rest.

The other team took possession first, so I had to wait. Which was FINE!! I was enjoying just being on the sideline. We quickly took over not far from our end zone. Then it was my turn!!! Coach Shepherd told me what to say (it was written on his clipboard), I told the huddle and off they went!! It was a pass play that got within 6 inches of our receivers fingertips!! Should've been a touchdown!! Oh well. Three plays later they scored!!! Added bonus: it was one of my current students who scored :) So, I started the drive that scored the first touchdown of the game :)

I stuck around on the sidelines through the first half (we were winning 14-0). I talked to the student trainers, cheered on players, watched the coaches do their thing, and in general enjoyed myself immensely!! I almost felt like I belonged :) I have a deeper respect for those coaches now too. The quick thinking, positive attitude, and overall good influence they have on those boys is tremendous.

Thank you Coach Vines and the entire Hornet Football team!!! What fun!!!!

The field before game time.

One of my players/students and I

Lined up for THE play!! (it all happened so fast so no pic of me in the huddle)

Coach Sully making plays

Me and the team at halftime

UPDATE: Of the 4 football games played by Hornets, mine was the only win :D

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

40 4 40 #7 Blood Moon

This is the latest in a series about the 40 new things I am trying before I turn 40. My birthday is in March which means I need to do about 5 things per month... You can check out all of the posts related to this endeavor through the label 40 4 40.

I hmmmed and haaawed (how DO you spell that?!?!) about whether or not this should be a new thing. But Facebook says it is!!

Across the world, whenever "this morning" was, people saw a blood moon. Okay, maybe just the states? I really know nothing about astronomy!!! I have always enjoyed other people's pictures of these sorts of things, but have never made an effort to see them myself. Mostly because they usually happen in the middle of the night, or close enough. And if you know me, I love my sleep!

However, this morning, in North Texas, it was projected to be viewable and beautiful at about 5:30am. That's just a little earlier than Slugs and I are out walking anyway!! And today I got up a little earlier and moved a little faster, because I had a ton of stuff to do at school before I conducted a lesson for some other teachers at 7:10am. So between that and the prospect of seeing this moon phenomenon, Slugs and I got outside by just about 5:30.

The moon was indeed blood red or orangey really. It was neat. I didn't take pics. I was walking and keeping the dog from cars and such. It didn't seem any bigger than yesterday, which I thought was part of the phenomenon. But again, I know nothing.

It was still red when I was driving to work at about 6:10am. However, when I got to the Azle area, it either went behind clouds or I saw the eclipse. There were no stars out either, but there hadn't been when it was red... I looked up the time of the eclipse and it could've been...

So, I saw a Blood moon for the first time!!! And maybe an eclipse!!! I'll take it. But tomorrow's new thing is going to be EPIC!!!!! Stay tuned :)

40 40 40 #6 Sushi (rewrite)

This is the latest in a series about the 40 new things I am trying before I turn 40. My birthday is in March which means I need to do about 5 things per month... You can check out all of the posts related to this endeavor through the label 40 4 40.

So I got into Blogger to blog about today's new thing, but somehow I deleted the last new thing, so I am going to attempt to reconstruct it, with no flair cuz now I'm all frustrated!!

Several weeks ago now, I had dinner with my good friend Carol. She knew I was on this adventure to try new things so we went for sushi! She eats regularly at Big Fish Japanese Cuisine, but always the California Rolls, and other things cooked. My goal was to try real, raw fish sushi. I've had California Rolls and such and they are yummy!! 

When I arrived, the joint was empty. This led me to tell the waiter and owner (I'm guessing) about my endeavor. The waiter made sure I knew what was actual raw sushi. I ordered the Boston Roll which was tuna, whitetail, cucumber and avocado (and something called masago but since he didn't know what it was either, I said to leave it out!!). So basically, I got a California Roll but with raw fish instead of crab. Carol got a California Roll and we shared some shrimp fried rice.

Notice the wasabi (I think) that looks like a leaf! Great presentation!!
It was... different. I wouldn't order it again. But it was okay. I ate it all. The fried rice was fantastic!! I would definitely go back to this place. 

There's a story about trying the orange and green stuff. It was hot. But not initially. It had a kick basically. So I said it wasn't hot and then Carol tried it. And then I got the hot... I'm sure it was funnier the first time I wrote it!!! Sorry!!!