Thursday, October 16, 2014

40 4 40 #9 Reading Bones

This is the latest in a series about the 40 new things I am trying before I turn 40. My birthday is in March which means I need to do about 5 things per month... You can check out all of the posts related to this endeavor through the label 40 4 40.

Number 9 is a bit different than the first 8 but not from some of the rest I have planned...

One of my favorite TV shows is Bones. It is a crime drama about a forensic anthropologist and her FBI partner. They study remains that are all or mostly bones and determine who, how, why, etc. It's excellent!! Good writing, good acting, good premise. The show is based off of a series of novels written by Kathy Reichs.

Usually, if I've read the book, I don't see the movie. If I've seen the movie, I don't want to read the book. This would also apply to a TV show, though I'm not sure how often books become TV or vice versa. Or at least its not advertised as such.

In addition, although I love crime shows, it's not really my kind of book. I enjoy reading romances and such. Feel good books. This is partly because I do most of my reading before bed and it's always good to go to sleep happy, not scared or tense!!

Sooo... I read the very first book written by Reichs about the forensic anthropologist. A few chapters in, I finally convinced myself it was just a book, not a book about my favorite TV characters, because it was just TOO different in that area. From personality to life style, etc. The book was well written though, kept me interested, and had a happy ending (except of course for the dead people and bad guy). But it was way too intense and graphic for night time reading. I skimmed a lot of the jargon and specifics of the crime scenes and such.

If I liked this kind of novel, I would definitely read more of them. And I highly recommend Kathy Reichs if you do read crime novels.

And now I will go watch the latest episode of Bones. Yay, bones and Bones.

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