Thursday, October 9, 2014

40 4 40 #8 HS Football Coach

This is the latest in a series about the 40 new things I am trying before I turn 40. My birthday is in March which means I need to do about 5 things per month... You can check out all of the posts related to this endeavor through the label 40 4 40.

Ever heard that saying "it never hurts to ask"?? Well...

I had a crazy idea that it'd be fun to call plays or something at a football game. A Texas High School Football Game. If you aren't aware, football is a big deal in Texas. So several weeks ago, I was chatting with one of our coaches about getting one of his players to pass my class, and I mentioned this crazy idea. He said "Sure, come on out!" Tonight was the night!!!

Now, I had no idea what I was really going to do, and I was quite nervous. High school football is no joke!! We determined that a home JV game would be best. I picked the earlier of the two games, of course. (side note: my school has 5 football teams) He came to see me at lunch today and put my nerves to rest.

The other team took possession first, so I had to wait. Which was FINE!! I was enjoying just being on the sideline. We quickly took over not far from our end zone. Then it was my turn!!! Coach Shepherd told me what to say (it was written on his clipboard), I told the huddle and off they went!! It was a pass play that got within 6 inches of our receivers fingertips!! Should've been a touchdown!! Oh well. Three plays later they scored!!! Added bonus: it was one of my current students who scored :) So, I started the drive that scored the first touchdown of the game :)

I stuck around on the sidelines through the first half (we were winning 14-0). I talked to the student trainers, cheered on players, watched the coaches do their thing, and in general enjoyed myself immensely!! I almost felt like I belonged :) I have a deeper respect for those coaches now too. The quick thinking, positive attitude, and overall good influence they have on those boys is tremendous.

Thank you Coach Vines and the entire Hornet Football team!!! What fun!!!!

The field before game time.

One of my players/students and I

Lined up for THE play!! (it all happened so fast so no pic of me in the huddle)

Coach Sully making plays

Me and the team at halftime

UPDATE: Of the 4 football games played by Hornets, mine was the only win :D

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