Thursday, October 30, 2014

Figured out the UGH

I should be blogging about 40 4 40 #10 which I did several days ago now. But I keep forgetting and now I'd rather write about something else. I'll get that one done eventually. Maybe even right after this one!

For most of the school year, I've felt very blah. There were a couple weeks when I had NO energy and its like my psyche just hasn't bounced back. I'm just not happy, for no reason. I keep trying to figure it out. I think I did this morning. Or at least some of it.

This is my 5th year at AHS. This is longer than I've ever held any one job, unless you count being a student. I spent 6 years at WTS but not all in the same capacity. And I spent the last year there trying to leave (looking for a job elsewhere)!

I'm antsy. The voice in my ear is telling me it's time to move on. I don't really WANT to move on though. I like my job. I like my school. I like Azle (I don't live there so it probably helps!). I like my commute. I can survive on my salary. It's not the perfect job. There is no such thing. Some parts of teaching at AHS would be different and maybe even better if I went somewhere else. But I would miss a lot of things too.

I wonder if my horrible homesickness since returning from CA has been partly due to this. Of course, I'd LOVE to move back to CA. But it's too expensive. It costs more to live, but teachers don't get paid more. And what if teaching is hugely different there (pretty sure they're doing common core which sucks)?

There's not much else I can change to keep my antsiness at bay. I don't want to sell my house. I don't think dying my hair would be enough.

Maybe I just need to get through the antsy stage and then my psyche will be happy whatever happens.  If you're the praying type, I'd appreciate your words to the Lord about this. Thanks.


  1. Making decisions about the future is hard....praying that you figure out what you are supposed to do!
