Saturday, February 28, 2015

40 4 40 #36 SNL

This is the latest in a series of blogs chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in SEVEN DAYS!! You can read all the entries under the label 40 4 40.

This was not my planned number 36, but enjoyable nonetheless. A coworker/friend and I were supposed to Karaoke last weekend, but she got sick. We rescheduled for this weekend and the world is under a sheet of ice. We will do it eventually!! Just not as one of my 40 new things...

So a couple weeks ago, Saturday Night Live celebrated its 40th season. Yup, SNL is the same age as me!! But yet, I have have never watched an episode. I am sure I've seen parts of sketches and remakes of sketches but I've never actually watched it, on purpose. If you know me, you know that by 10:30pm I am generally asleep. Even on a Saturday night! Or I'm not home. I know that there have been Saturday nights that I was watching a movie or something and when SNL started, I knew it was time to go to bed!

The other reason I've never wanted to watch an episode is that I just didn't think I'd find it funny. I generally don't like making fun of people, play-acting dumbness, etc. And I thought that was what it was all about.

I decided that the 40th anniversary special would be a good place to start. To maybe catch up. It was definitely star-studded! I was entertained. I even laughed. It was long though. I found myself doing other things in the second hour. The memorial tribute was nice - I'm really glad they put that in.

When it was over, I found myself wanting to watch a "real" episode, so I guess that says a lot. However, it doesn't start for another 1.5 hours and then it's 1.5 hours long! So, yeah, maybe tomorrow I'll watch it online :) I suppose that takes some of the "live" out of it, but I'm okay with that!!

And I will no longer "avoid" it. If I'm up and it comes on, perhaps I'll just leave it on!!

OMG - only FOUR more!!

40 4 40 #35 Buy (& Use) a Groupon

This is the latest in a series of entries chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 NEXT WEEK!! It now appears as though I will be successful :) You can read all the entries using the label 40 4 40.

A couple months ago, while discussing new things with someone, they said I should see if there's a Groupon for skydiving. I replied that I had never used a Groupon before and didn't really understand them. I thought that you had to have a group go in on it together to get the deal. That seemed way complicated! But she assured me it was easy and I should try it. So I did :)

A few days later, I went to the Groupon website to see what it was all about. Wow. You can get them for haircuts, oil changes, trips, stuff, and who knows what else!! Basically, what I determined is that a vendor decides it wants to sell a certain number of their product for a discounted price. They put it up as a Groupon. This guarantees them that certain number of customers. Most of the ones that I looked at said you could only buy one, unless buying more for a gift. Not sure how that works!

I looked at the list several times before I settled on something. I figure I can always use a massage :) I chose a local, independent lady who was asking half price for a 1 hour Swedish massage. I decided to make the appointment closer to my bday so I purchased the Groupon in January but used it just this week!

The whole process was quite simple. And the massage was heavenly!! I highly recommend Carolyn's Healing Hands and I will go back!! Partly because she gave me a discount coupon for my next visit :) She had her table in a little tiny room that barely let her walk around the table. Low overhead means she can do discounts, I guess!!

Anyway, I now get regular emails from Groupon and will definitely keep an eye on any wonderful bargain. And since I like to get a facial and/or massage at least once a year, it's perfect for the cheapskate in me!!

I am currently working on #36. I can't believe I'm almost done and almost 40!!! Thanks for reading this journey with me :)

Friday, February 13, 2015

40 4 40 #34 Mammogram

This is the latest in a series of entries chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. I'm almost done!! You can read all the entries under the label 40 4 40.

I am probably the only woman in the history of radiology who was THIS excited to get a mammogram!! But I've wanted one for a long time. Soon after I had my thyroid (and its cancer) removed at 27, a co-worker lost his 31 year old wife to breast cancer. My doctor told me I didn't need a mammogram yet. Whatever. I've asked several over the years and they all say the same thing - not until you're 40 unless you have a family history; self-exams are sufficient.

So a couple weeks ago, I went to see the lady doctor for my annual visit and as soon as she looked at my age and started to suggest a mammogram, I said "YES PLEASE NOW!!". She laughed once I told her I wanted it to be a new thing :)

Today I chatted with some coworkers after school and cheerfully exclaimed, "I have to go get my boobies squeezed now"!! They rolled their eyes at me and told me to have fun :)

I chose the Azle hospital radiology because I knew where it was and it was easy to get to and all that good stuff. The woman was very nice and informative and gentle. I didn't tell her about the new thing thing but I did tell her I'd been waiting a decade and was very excited. She seemed to like my attitude.

Here's a picture I snuck of the machine. Other than that, I'll leave out the details. It was NOT painful, just a little uncomfortable. Really it was more awkward because of the pose, not the actual squishing!!

I was tempted to ask her for a selfie with me but I thought that might be weird. :D So, ladies, GO GET YOUR MAMMOGRAM!!! If you're not yet 40, do your self-exams. IT COULD SAVE YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

40 4 40 #33 Shoot a Gun

This is the latest in a series of entries chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40. You can read all the entries using the label 40 4 40.

I have vague memories of being 6 or 7 years old when the family would drive out of the city and up a dirt road to where the desert met the mountains. There, they would shoot guns at rocks, or something.  I think it was a 22 rifle. I know it was a rifle, and I know that there was a 22 in the family. I don't know that they were one and the same. I don't know much about guns except there are handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Oh wait, maybe they shot a shotgun... I remember picking up shotgun shells. But perhaps they were already there from other shooters?! I could just ask my dad but it's much more fun retelling from odd memories :)

Anyway, I am pretty sure, after asking both parents, that I never shot the gun. I was much too young and small. And other than that I do not recall ever being near a gun that was being shot, let alone shooting it, so I added it to my list... and then I went to see one of the school cops. Officer Coomer is one of our district officers who is also a certified teacher. His office is around the corner from my last classroom and we used to chat all the time while "monitoring the halls". I think that's the only thing I miss about that classroom!! I knew he had some guns. A collection of guns, really. Yeah, the man has a lot of guns.

He said he'd be happy to let me shoot a gun so we decided when the weather got nice we'd chat again. This past weekend, until last night, was basically PERFECT weather here in North Texas. We had a "cold front" last night so this afternoon it was "only" 60 and it was windy, but it was still nice enough!! I told Coomer that I just wanted to shoot a gun, not all his guns or anything. Nothing fancy. One shot and I would be happy.

I got to his house, and he was ready for me with his AR15 assault rifle. It was heavy. He said it had a heavier barrel so it was steadier. Or something like that. We golf carted down to the pond and he shot a round into the water. Didn't seem too bad. I put her to my shoulder (with some direction - that pocket isn't easy to find!) and pulled the trigger! She had a little kick (not that I know what a lot would feel like) but nothing painful. It was LOUD. I had on headphone things and still heard it quite well! He then showed me how it fires multiple rounds - 1 every 32 nanoseconds? or was it 32 rounds a minute? I don't remember but it was fast and loud and I would NOT want to be on the other end!!! I didn't try that though. I might have killed a tree or something!

And then we chatted for a minute and I left. Short, and simple :) But now I want to go to a shooting range and try a handgun :) I have no desire to ever own a gun and I don't think I could ever point one at a living thing, even if I was in danger, but it was fun just that one trigger pull!!

Officer Coomer and I

Ready for action!

Pretty sure he was thinking "WHY are you taking MY picture"

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Two Years of Slugs

Two years ago this evening, a hyper pooch named Bernard came to live with me. He quickly became Slugger and soon licked and jumped his way deep into my heart!

Things I've learned in 2 years with my Slugger pooch:

- to appreciate, welcome, and even encourage puppy kisses

- that it's okay to forget what color the rug is cuz one can just not vacuum often enough

- to sleep using only a couple feet of a queen-size bed

- what dog poop looks like after its iced or rained, and then thawed or melted

- to be 110% alert and attentive while on a walk

- the sound of a trailer being pulled over the smallest of bumps

- that my heart is, indeed, big enough to miss George everyday but still love this mutt with all that I have

- that having an exuberant, chunky, apricot-colored mass barreling toward you when you walk in the door is one of the best feelings in the world!

I know there's more, but those are the things that come to mind :) I thank the Lord every day for bringing my Slugs to me. I hope he's as happy to be here as I am to have him! (read that last thing I learned again - yup, pretty sure he is!)

Here's to many, MANY more years of shedding and slobber!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

40 4 40 #32 Rodeo

This is the latest in a series of posts chronicling my journey of trying 40 new things before I turn 40 in March. You can read all the related posts under the label 40 4 40.

I kinda feel like a lot of these new thing have really been about becoming more Texan, or getting acquainted with Texas stuff. Last night was no different! I went to the rodeo!!

Rodeo is kind of a hot button amongst hard core vegans and other animal advocates. I decided I needed to see it for myself. I mean, I'm SURE that they treat those animals like family, right!? I would!! Did you know that not everyone is like me!?!!? (Thank goodness, right?!)

Anyway, several months ago, I put out on Facebook that I'd like to see what a rodeo is all about. My good friend Sheila suggested THE rodeo at THE Fort Worth Stock Show which is a MAJOR annual event here in Cowtown. I've also never been to the stock show. So we made plans and after a few adjustments, last night was the night! When I called to buy the tickets, the lady was very nice and made sure we got excellent seats since it was my first rodeo (I really enjoyed saying that - hehe).

After driving around for 30 minutes trying to figure out where to park so as not to walk across all of Fort Worth to get our tickets at will call and get in to the rodeo, we eventually ended up finally in the arena. The stock show is HUGE!! The arena does not look like an arena until you get inside!!

Basically, a football field looking dirt floor with seats all around is the arena. There were chutes at both ends. It was all quite fascinating. Oh, and all the same food and merchandise type sales that you find at any sporting event. But once inside where the dirt floor is, it smells like barn :) That's the difference! One of the merchandise pieces for purchase was a furry pink cowgirl hat with a flashing tiara on the front. I was SOOO tempted!!!

So, all the events happened. And I kept cheering for the cow or horse or whoever was being thrown or bound or otherwise tortured. Yup, I did NOT enjoy watching those poor, sweet calves being roped and thrown and left to lie there until someone got around to loosening the rope.

I enjoyed my evening because I had good company and the whole thing was fascinating. I don't need to do it again. BUT I would like to go to the actual stock show and see the fluffy cows and all that - seriously I learned that they give them baths and dry them and stuff - intriguing!! I hope to be able to take a day off next year (to avoid weekend crowds) and maybe even get to see one of my students show a cow or goat or something.

Side note: I'm kinda sad that I'm almost "done". I keep telling myself that I don't have to stop trying new things - I just won't have to count them anymore :)