Saturday, February 7, 2015

Two Years of Slugs

Two years ago this evening, a hyper pooch named Bernard came to live with me. He quickly became Slugger and soon licked and jumped his way deep into my heart!

Things I've learned in 2 years with my Slugger pooch:

- to appreciate, welcome, and even encourage puppy kisses

- that it's okay to forget what color the rug is cuz one can just not vacuum often enough

- to sleep using only a couple feet of a queen-size bed

- what dog poop looks like after its iced or rained, and then thawed or melted

- to be 110% alert and attentive while on a walk

- the sound of a trailer being pulled over the smallest of bumps

- that my heart is, indeed, big enough to miss George everyday but still love this mutt with all that I have

- that having an exuberant, chunky, apricot-colored mass barreling toward you when you walk in the door is one of the best feelings in the world!

I know there's more, but those are the things that come to mind :) I thank the Lord every day for bringing my Slugs to me. I hope he's as happy to be here as I am to have him! (read that last thing I learned again - yup, pretty sure he is!)

Here's to many, MANY more years of shedding and slobber!!

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