Wednesday, February 11, 2015

40 4 40 #33 Shoot a Gun

This is the latest in a series of entries chronicling my journey to try 40 new things before I turn 40. You can read all the entries using the label 40 4 40.

I have vague memories of being 6 or 7 years old when the family would drive out of the city and up a dirt road to where the desert met the mountains. There, they would shoot guns at rocks, or something.  I think it was a 22 rifle. I know it was a rifle, and I know that there was a 22 in the family. I don't know that they were one and the same. I don't know much about guns except there are handguns, rifles, and shotguns. Oh wait, maybe they shot a shotgun... I remember picking up shotgun shells. But perhaps they were already there from other shooters?! I could just ask my dad but it's much more fun retelling from odd memories :)

Anyway, I am pretty sure, after asking both parents, that I never shot the gun. I was much too young and small. And other than that I do not recall ever being near a gun that was being shot, let alone shooting it, so I added it to my list... and then I went to see one of the school cops. Officer Coomer is one of our district officers who is also a certified teacher. His office is around the corner from my last classroom and we used to chat all the time while "monitoring the halls". I think that's the only thing I miss about that classroom!! I knew he had some guns. A collection of guns, really. Yeah, the man has a lot of guns.

He said he'd be happy to let me shoot a gun so we decided when the weather got nice we'd chat again. This past weekend, until last night, was basically PERFECT weather here in North Texas. We had a "cold front" last night so this afternoon it was "only" 60 and it was windy, but it was still nice enough!! I told Coomer that I just wanted to shoot a gun, not all his guns or anything. Nothing fancy. One shot and I would be happy.

I got to his house, and he was ready for me with his AR15 assault rifle. It was heavy. He said it had a heavier barrel so it was steadier. Or something like that. We golf carted down to the pond and he shot a round into the water. Didn't seem too bad. I put her to my shoulder (with some direction - that pocket isn't easy to find!) and pulled the trigger! She had a little kick (not that I know what a lot would feel like) but nothing painful. It was LOUD. I had on headphone things and still heard it quite well! He then showed me how it fires multiple rounds - 1 every 32 nanoseconds? or was it 32 rounds a minute? I don't remember but it was fast and loud and I would NOT want to be on the other end!!! I didn't try that though. I might have killed a tree or something!

And then we chatted for a minute and I left. Short, and simple :) But now I want to go to a shooting range and try a handgun :) I have no desire to ever own a gun and I don't think I could ever point one at a living thing, even if I was in danger, but it was fun just that one trigger pull!!

Officer Coomer and I

Ready for action!

Pretty sure he was thinking "WHY are you taking MY picture"

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